Who can experience addiction?
A. Anyone B. Only under the age of 50 C. Teens D. Only Me
A. Anyone
What is the name of the guide you can work on in treatment that focuses on relapse?
Relapse Prevention Plan
This type of treatment includes medication management. Including Suboxone, Sublocade, Vivitrol, etc.
MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment)
Name coping skills to cope with high stress.
Exercise, social support, meditation, deep breathing
Can addiction be cured?
No, however, addiction can be managed successfully. Reaching long-term remission of addiction.
Is Addiction a Disease?
Yes The American Society Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines Addiction as a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.
Name three signs of relapse
Isolation, Procrastination, Negative Thinking, Reviving old negative connections, Not working a daily program of recovery
What is Suboxone used for?
To treat OUD (Opioid Use Disorder)
What is the most important thing you can do for yourself in recovery?
Practice Honesty with yourself and others.
Name three Recovery Support groups
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) NA (Narcotics Anonymous) SMART Recovery Celebrate Recovery
True or Myth
You can't have an addiction if you have a job.
What are the stages of relapse?
Emotional Relapse, Mental Relapse, and Physical Relapse
What is a healthy way to deal with anger?
Breath, walk away, positive self talk, empathize, delay your reaction, humor, distraction, give others the benefit of the doubt....ect.
What does H.A.L.T stand for?
Hungry.Angry.Lonely.Tired When a drug or alcohol craving comes on, ask yourself if you feel any of these symptoms.
What is PAWS?
Post Acute Withdrawl Syndrome
What contributes 40%-60% to someone who experiences an addiction?
When is the most common time someone experiences a relapse?
Within the first 30 days
Who is more likely to die from alcohol addiction, Men or Women?
Women who are dependent on alcohol are 50 to 100 percent more likely to die from alcohol-related causes than men who are dependent on alcohol.
How can you practice gratitude?
Keep a Daily Gratitude Journal and self-reflection on what you are grateful for.
How can you avoid complacency?
Practicing gratitude, Attend Recovery support groups regularly, Continue learning about addiction, Develop recovery support network, Peer recovery support, Gaining a sponsor
What is the most common co-occurring disorder accompanied by Addiction?
Mental-Health Disorders
Name External Triggers for Relapse
People, Places, High-risk Situations, Paraphernalia
What does CBT stand for?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
True or False: Drinking coffee or eating bread will reduce alcohol intoxication
Willingness to change, mental health treatment, social and community support, self-care, finding purpose, recovery support programs