Wow, drugs are really bad.
Things that help:
You should watch these movies!
Addiction does not discriminate.
Really random stuff for fun.

According to the most recent National Survey on Drug Use, (2024) approximately this percentage/number of Americans admitted they use illicit drugs.

What is....25% or 70 million people.


Understanding these, will help you resist the urge to use.  The two key types are known as external and internal.

What are.....triggers.  External include environmental triggers, such as people, places, things or times of day that provide opportunity or reminders.  Internal triggers require more self-reflection to recognize, and can include emotions or feelings such as anxiety, anger, etc. 


Hotshot real estate salesman Daryl has a bad cocaine habit. After embezzling his company's money, he wakes up next to a girl who overdosed. To hide from the police, he checks into a rehabilitation program guaranteeing anonymity. Under the mentorship of his counselor, he accepts that he has a substance abuse problem. 

What is.....Clean and Sober.


During his childhood and teen years, this actor stared in the very popular and successful franchise of movies, based off of famous YA novels with the same name. He opened up about his sobriety, revealing that he turned to alcohol as a means of dealing with the pressure of his career. He empathized with fellow young celebrities who faced similar struggles.

Who is.....Danielle Radcliff.


This branch of the U.S. armed forces used the slogan “It’s not just a job, it’s an adventure".

What is.....The Navy.


In 2022, BESIDES opioids, (which contributed to over 82K drug-related deaths) this was the next leading drug-related, preventable death, substance. 

(these stats also include deaths by overdose, suicide, homicide, and other undetermined intents, related to the drug.)

What is....Psychostimulants, including methamphetamines.

This is one of the most important activities that anyone can partake in to feel good. It can be as simple as going for a daily walk, taking time for oneself, and doing something that you enjoy.

What is....self-care.


This 1989 film reconstructs the true, famous story of stockbroker and World War I veteran, whose small drinking problem becomes a serious addiction.

What is.....My Name is Bill W.


The actor says he used drugs before he was a teenager and spent most of his early career under their influence. He had several high-profile arrests in the late 1990s and early 2000s while misusing alcohol, cocaine, and heroin and spent time in a California prison and a state-run rehab facility. In 2002, he announced that he was recovered, and has gone on to continue great success as a movie star.

Who is.....Robert Downey Jr. 


This continent has parts of it, in all four of the world's hemispheres.

What is....Africa.


These states have the highest percentage of the state population, that admit to having a substance abuse disorder. Name any one in the top 5.

What this order: 

Montana (19.2%)

Oregon (19.1%)

Washington (18.6%)

South Dakota (18.6%)

Kansas (18.4%)

(New York was #38 at 14.9%)


According to the WHO, these are life skills that are important to develop within and after addiction treatment. (There are six, name one)

What are....

-Communication and interpersonal skills

-Creative and critical thinking

-Problem-solving and effective decision making


-Assertiveness and self-control

-Resilience and ability to cope


A biopic, this movie shows how the star’s childhood trauma is closely linked to his later problems with mental health and SUDs. The film details his adolescent years and ascent to fame as his struggles with addiction increase. Finally, it depicts him checking in to a drug rehab facility to tackle his substance abuse and make a recovery.

What is......Rocketman.


This celebrity used drugs in her early twenties, all the way until the 1980s when she started the show that made her famous. Once the show took off she knew she had to get clean in order to keep it running successfully. She got sober in the early ’80s and has remained sober since. She is now one of the richest women in the world.

Who is......Oprah Winfrey.


This is the only food that can never go bad.

What is....honey.


On average, there were this many deaths, per day, related to alcohol, in 2021.

What is...488.  

(There were 178K deaths with 117K attributed to chronic conditions related to long-term alcohol use, and 61K attributed to alcohol-related car crashes, alcohol poisoning, or suicide.)


Patient screening, assessment, treatment planning, crisis intervention, and case management and just some of the functions of this person.

What addiction counselor.


In an emotional journey based on a true story and Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post article, this movie depicts 31-year-old Molly, as she begs her estranged mother Deb for help fighting a fierce battle against the demons that have derailed her life. Despite all she has learned over a decade of disappointment, grief and rage, Deb throws herself into one last attempt to save her beloved daughter from the deadly and merciless grip of heroin addiction.

What is.....Four Good Days.


With her husky voice and dynamic stage energy, this singer etched her name into the annals of 1960s rock history. Her music, a blend of raw feelings and societal critiques, resonated deeply with a generation seeking change.

Unfortunately, her illustrious career was continually plagued by her battles with drug addiction. In 1970, at the age of 27, she became another member of the notorious ’27 Club,’ dying from a fatal heroin overdose.

Who is......Janis Joplin.


This mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world.

What is.....a hippopotumus.


According to 2022 data, 27.9% of Americans experiencing___________, also report a substance use disorder within that same year. 

What is.....unemployment.


Participating in this element of treatment, can be a path toward further emotional healing. By taking part of this, you can learn important life lessons, such as, trying new things, connecting authentically with others, building social skills, and learning outlets for anxiety or anger in a healthy way.

What is......Recreational Therapy.


Based on the best-selling pair of memoirs from father and son David and Nic Sheff, this movie chronicles the heartbreaking and inspiring experience of survival, relapse and recovery in a family coping with addiction over many years. After he and his first wife separate, journalist father struggles to help their teenage son, who goes from experimenting with drugs to becoming devastatingly addicted to methamphetamine.

What is.....Beautiful Boy.


He was an American actor, known for his distinctive supporting and character roles—eccentrics, underdogs, and misfits. He acted in many films and theatrical productions, including leading roles, from the early 1990s until his death in 2014, at 46 years old. Although friends stated that his drug use was under control at the time, detectives searching the apartment found heroin, prescription medication and syringe at the scene. His death was officially ruled an accident caused by "acute mixed drug intoxication, including heroin, cocaine, benzodiazepines, and amphetamine

Who is.....Philip Seymour Hoffman.


These are the the only types tissue in the human body that do not contain blood vessels, according to scientists.

What are.....cartilage and the cornea.