Fast facts
Treatment and Recovery
True or False?
Drug and alcohol effects

What does BAC stand for and mean?

What is Blood Alcohol Concentration, BAC measures the level of alcohol in the bloodstream


______ guides you through the 12 steps and helps keep you accountable

What is a sponsor?

____ is the medication that is designed to rapidly reverse an opioid overdose

What is Naloxone?


True or False: Cleaning a used needle with bleach can make it safe to reuse

What is False? Hep C lives up to 2 years in a needle and 2 weeks outside a needle


True or False: Alcohol warms up the body

What is False? Alcohol slows down heart rate and dilates blood vessels which can make you feel warmer but increases risk of hypothermia


Reusing a needle can lead to 

What is HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C


______, _______, _________ are the three groups IOP attend every monday, tuesday and thursday

What are: Morning meeting, Group lecture, Group process


In 2021, 107,622 lives were lost in the United States due to a drug overdose. Which drug caused the most deaths?

What is: 66% of overdose deaths were attributable to opioids.


True or False: You can tell if a drug like roofies, GHB or rohypnol has been slipped into your drink

What is False? They are mostly odorless, colorless and tasteless.


True or False: Inhalants can make users sick, but have no casualty rates

What is False? Inhalants can damage internal organs; including nerve cells and brain cells and can make users sick and can kill


The use of marijuana before what age may have an impact on brain development?

What is 25? The brain fully develops at age 25


Name the three programs at outpatient

What are PHP, IOP and GOP?


Name 3 signs of an opioid overdose

What are: 'pinpoint pupils', falling asleep/loss of consciousness, slow and shallow breathing, choking and/or gurgling sounds, limp body, and pale, blue, or cold skin


True or False: Sleep helps the body eliminate alcohol more quickly

What is False? Sleep has no influence on the rate at which the liver breaks down alcohol. 


Name 5 things that will affect how many drinks it will take an individual to get intoxicated

What are: Body size and composition, overall health, what and how much someone recently ate, dehydration, percentage of alcohol content in drinks, rate and amount of alcohol consumption, ethnicity, hormones, sleep, mood, mixing alcohol with energy drinks, mixing alcohol with other drugs


_____ and _____ influence a person's BAC level

What are: Number of drinks consumed and how fast alcohol was consumed


Name 4 types of meetings

What are: AA, NA, CA, GA, Al-Anon, CODA


Name 3 signs of an alcohol overdose/ alcohol poisoning

What are: Confusion, Loss of co-ordination, Vomiting, Seizures, Irregular breathing, Slow breathing, Pale or blue tinged skin, Low body temperature, Unconsciousness or passing out 


True or False: In most cases, ecstasy use is caused by the body overheating and dehydration 

What is true? Ecstasy effects how the body regulates temperature and the user risks overheating if they do not drink enough fluid. 


Alcohol can produce detectable impairments in memory, the most severe of these are called ______, when you have no recollection of events.

What are black outs?

_____ is the most potent hallucinogen

What is LSD?


What does MAT stand for?

What is Medical-Assisted Treatment? MAT helps suppress cravings during treatment and is usually paired with mental health interventions


Describe the recovery position 

What is: On the side, leaning on arm, propped up with knee and other arm. Keeps the airway open and prevents choking on vomit


True or False: The major reason why crack is more dangerous than cocaine is that lung damage occurs when smoke is inhaled into the lungs

What is False? Because crack is smoked, large amounts of the drug can reach the brain very quickly, more quickly than when cocaine is snorted through the nose. 


What amount of alcohol can you safely consume while pregnant? 

What is none? Consuming alcohol while pregnant can result in fetal alcohol syndrome