A type of boundary that is overly firm is also called a...
Rigid Boundary
Suppression of your emotions can lead to...
The length of time someone SHOULD wait to go back to work when completing treatment
When they feel capable, ready and are connective and active in their recovery
The ability to bounce back, especially after something difficult
Resilience (Resiliency)
Writing down you thoughts, also know as ______, can be helpful while in treatment
Define boundaries...
Rules. limits and
They are complex and involve a variety of physical and cognitive responses
You can choose to disclose a _____ in your employment history
When you are feeling overwhelmed, it is important to _______ yourself - starts with a G.
Ground yourself
Anger turned inwards can lead to this mental health issue...
This boundary is like a sponge and is easily walked over...
Porous Boundary
John was watching a show and it was geared around the drug trade, his palms got sweaty and you could say he was getting...
When is the best time to disclose you are in recovery during a job interview?
Whenever you feel ready or not at all
Charlie took a day off of work to go on a hike, you could call this activity ______ care.
Gabe has been clean and sober for 2 months, but he notices he has been losing a lot of money gambling - you could say he discovered what is called a _____-addiction
Boundaries are not meant to shut people out, but to stay __________ in a healthy manner
Broadening your ____________ vocabulary can help you better understand your emotions and behaviours
EMOTIONAL vocabulary
The "S" in SMART goals stands for...
Healthy coping mechanisms allow you to stay within your ________ __ ________...
Window of Tolerance
When healthcare providers don't treat someone with substance misuse seriously, it can called ________ stigma
When a loved one gives you money to support your habit, it is called __________
Individuals may use ___________ in excess to numb their emotions and feelings.
If you don't have a plan to manage your time when going back to work you may suffer ________.
"Paying attention on purpose"
A disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea, person or thing, usually in a way that is close-minded or unfair