Recovery Skills
Loss of a Star
AA History
Common Addictions

Using a substance to the point that it alters a person's judgement and decision making, leading to dangerous behaviors.

What is Substance Abuse?


The ability to relax and manage stress; the ability to change negative thinking

What are coping skills?


(2000's) This artist was referred to as the King of Pop, died due to complications from prescription drugs in 2009

Who is Michael Jackson?


These two men co-founded AA

Who is Bill W and Dr. Bob?


Use of this substance claims more lives than any other addictive substance, but these products are legal

What is nicotine? 


Removal of a drug from the body that may cause unpleasant effects

What is Withdrawal


Social, environmental, or emotional situations that remind people in recovery of their past drug/alcohol use

What are triggers?


(1990's) Singer of one of the most popular grunge bands in the 1990's; died at 27; addicted to heroin

Who is Kurt Cobain?


This city is the birthplace of AA

What is Akron, Ohio?


Use of this substance is often socially/culturally appropriate, but driving under the effects can be lethal  

What is alcohol?


Needing more of a drug to feel effects

What is Tolerance?

The use of medications with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders and prevent opioid overdose

What is medication-assisted treatment (MAT)?


(1980's) John Belushi was a legendary actor and comedian; overdosed and died from mixing cocaine and heroin in 1982. He was on the original lineup of what longstanding TV show (still airs today)

What is Saturday Night Live?


This date signifies Dr. Bob's sobriety date as well as the official birthdate of AA

When is June 10, 1935?


This substance has been around for a long time, but in the past decade the potency of it has increased by 60%

What is marijuana?


A temporary loss of memory and/or consciousness after consuming large amounts of alcohol 

What is "Blackout"?


Examples include AA/NA, Celebrate Recovery, SMART recovery

What are support groups?


(1970's) This iconic musician is one of the top earning deceased celebrities today, still earning over 50 million/year for his music despite dying from complications of prescription drug addiction in 1977

Who is Elvis Presley?


This man was the third member of AA

Who is Bill Dotson?


This type of substance is often used in pain management, but is known to be highly addictive 

What are opiates?


A brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences

What is addiction?


A mental states achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations

What is mindfulness?


(1960's) This world famous movie star shocked the world in 1962 when she overdosed on barbiturates; her death is still controversial today with some saying it was murder, other saying it was accidental, and others saying it was intentional

Who is Marilyn Monroe?


This former U.S. President received the millionth printed copy of The Big Book 

Who is Richard Nixon?


Rates of addiction with this substance have been slowly declining in the U.S. due to a cheaper and more intense version being sold

What is cocaine?