subtracting decimals
adding decimals
subtracting decimals
adding decimals
subtracting decimals

kenley has  12.00 dollars and she spend it on a Barbie doll  that is 4.00 dollars how much does she have now.

8.00  dollars


 taylor has 12.00 dollars and her mom gives her 7.00 dollars how much money does she have now in total.

19.00 dollars


max has 100 baseball cards he gives 50 away how much does he have left 

50 cards left


 a shoe store saled 70 pairs of shoes for 50.00 dollars how much money do they have in total.

1,200 dollars in total


kennedy has 20.00 dollars and she wants to spend it on a Lego set that is 15.00 dollars  how much money does she have left.

5.00 dollars


maddie has 14.00 dollars and she wants to spend it on a Lego that it 5.00 dollars how much does she have now.

10.00 dollars


  baliey has 12.00 dollars she gets more money  4.00 how much money she have now in total.

16.00 dollars


 a store has 200 pineapples they gives 70 away how much do they have left.

130 pineapples left


 lucy has 12.00 dollars and she gets 7.00 dollars more how much money does she have in total.

19.00 dollars


  chey has 44 dolls and she gives 20 away how much does she have left 

24 dolls left


 mike has 20.00 dollars and he wants to buy a Lego set that is 10.00 dollars how much money does he have now.

10.00 dollars


mia has 4  barbies her friend gives her 12 doll how much barbies does she  have now. in total.

16 barbies


 a teacher has 30 students one of the student move how many students does she have left

29 students left


 Eddie has 12.00 dollars and he gets 12.00 more dollars how much does he have in total.

24.00 dollars


   a grocery store has 200 people in then 40 people leave how much people are left.

140  people left.


josie has 30.00 dollars and she wants to buy a  rainbow loom kit that it 7.00 dollars how much money does she have now.

23.00 dollars


 a store has 40 apple they get 30  more apples how much apples do they have in total.

70 apples


 ashley has 12.00  and she wants to buy a Lego set that is 5.00 dollars how much money does she have left.

7.00 dollars left


 alisyn has  30.00 dollars she gets 12.00 more dollars  how many does she have

42.00 dollars


  Alex has 40  video games and he gives 10 away how much does he have left.

30 video games left.


 Katie has 10.00 dollars and she wants to buy a Lego set that is 4.00 dollars how much money does she have now.

6.00 dollars


 chloe has 12 toys she gets 17 more toy how much does she have now in total.

29 toys


 zoie has 22.00 dollars and she wants to buy a Barbie that is 7.00 dollars how much money does she have left. 

14.00 dollars left.


 Liam has 12.00 dollars and  he gets 12.00 more dollars how much money does he have

22.00 dollars


bella has 30 dolls and she gives 20 away how much dolls does she have left.

10 dolls left