-13 + (-18)
32 + (-11)
- 43 - 12
Addition: -43 + (-12)
Answer: -55
Value: - 3
Absolute Value: 3
Additive Inverse: 3
Carrots were not originally orange, but instead the color of a title of a famous book. What color were they?
12 + 73
18 + (-44)
-12 - 35
Addition: -12 + (-35)
Answer: -47
Value: 10
Absolute Value: 10
Additive Inverse: -10
Toto the Dog from Wizard of Oz, was originally supposed to be what farm animal?
-34 + (-49)
-47 + 57
Addition: 17 + (-63)
Answer: -46
Value: -17
Absolute Value: 17
Additive Inverse: 17
Dolphins are notoriously not trusting creatures, as shown by their sleeping habits. What is odd about how dolphins sleep?
They sleep with one eye open
-31 + (-14)
34 + (-78)
57 - 24
Addition: 57 + (-24)
Answer: 33
Value: 180
Absolute Value: 180
Additive Inverse: -180
Japan has the most vending machines in the world, and more vending machines than actual people. It is a "Michael Jordan" ration of vending machines to humans. What is the ratio?
23 : 1
- 37 + 15
32 - 91
Addition: 32 + (-91)
Answer: -59
Value: 12.2
Absolute Value: 12.2
Additive Inverse: -12.2
Gatorade was invented at this college, whose sports teams go by the name, "The Gators."
University of Florida