Representing Decimals
Write the decimal thirteen hundredths in standard form
What is 0.13
Use < , > or = to compare each pair of decimals 0.06 ______0.60
What is <
Add the decimals 43.28 + 31.45
What is 74.73
Write six and five tenths
What is 6.5
Use < , >, or = to compare the set of decimals 4.888_______4.880
What is >
Write 8.05 in word form
What is eight and five hundredths
Use <, >, or = to compare the set of decimals 2.03_____2.030
What is =
Write two and twenty-one hundredths in standard form
What is 2.21
Order each set of decimals from greatest to least. 5.222, 5.202, 5.022, 5.2222
What is 5.2222, 5.222, 5.202, 5.022
Write one and nine hundredths in standard form
What is 1.09
Subtract the decimals 248 - 131.48
What is 116.52