Representing Decimals
What decimal would be located 3 spaces between 0 and 1?
What is 0.3
Add the decimals 43.28 + 6.4
What is 49.68?
What decimal is located 1 space to the right of 0.1 and nine spaces before 0.2?
What is 0.11
Add the decimals 0.724 + 6.4
What is 7.124?
What decimal is located 7 spaces after 1.1 and three spaces before 1.2?
What is 1.17?
Add the Decimals 1.325 + 0.09
What is 1.415?
What decimal is located 9 spaces to the right of .2 and one space to the left of .3?
What is 0.29?
Subtract the decimals 148.93 - 36.7
What is 112.23?
This decimal is located right in the middle of .31 and .32.
What is 0.315?
Subtract the decimals 800 - 47.6
What is 752.4?