Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Convert 12/5 into a mixed number
2 2/5
5 1/6 is an example of a _______ ________ .
Mixed number
Convert 74/3 into a mixed number
24 2/3
12/7 is an example of an _______________.
Improper fraction
Convert 125/10 into a mixed number
12 5/10 or 12 1/2
A fraction is just a ____________ problem.
Convert 5 2/3 into an improper fraction
Fractions must have the same _________ before adding or subtracting. (Hint: This is the 1st step when adding or subtracting fractions)
Convert 10 3/7 into an improper fraction
An easy way to remember how to divide fractions..
_ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _!
keep, change, flip!