-13.4 + -8.6
What is -22
-4 + (-6)
What is -10
What is l-3l?
What is 3
4 5/6 + (-1 2/3)
What is 3 1/6
-7.51 + -22.08
What is -29.59
18 + (-18)
What is 0
How can you know what sign will be for the sum of a negative and a positive number?
The answer will have the same sign as the number with the greatest absolute value.
What is -l-3l?
What is -3
-8 7/9 + 7 4/9
What is -1 1/3
-41.90 + 22
What is -19.90
6 +9 + (-6)
What is 9
What does SSADSS stand for?
What is same sign add, different sign subtract
What is absolute value?
What is the distance a number is from zero
117.4 + (-8.93)
What is 108.47
-19 + 26 + 14
What is 21
Order from least to greatest; -12, l-26l, l-15l, l-12l, l10l
What is -12, l10l, l-12l, l-15l, l-26l
-10 7/8 + -2 1/2
What is - 13 3/8
- 328.17 + 63.4
What is -264.77
Write two integers with different signs that add up to -17
What is multiple answers
What has to be done before you can add or subtract decimals?
What is line up the decimal point (and the place values)
True or false? If x < 0, then lxl = -x
What is false