In which book does a character pull a suitcase on wheels?
Gigi and Ojiji by Melissa Iwai
p. 11
In which book does an elephant give itself a bath?
What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? by Steven Jenkins p. 5
In which book can a character breathe underwater?
What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? by Steven Jenkins p. 5
In which book does a fish jump out of the river?
Pedro's Pan: Gold Rush Story by Matthew Lasley p. 5
In which book does a character have a fluffy fur and slippery flippers?
Pup the Sea Otter by Jonathan London p. 4
In which book does a character wear a yellow bike helmet?
When Carrot Met Cookie by Erica S. Perl p. 5
In which book are vehicles sitting on the runway from biggest to smallest?
Littlest Airplane by Brooke Hartman p.1
In which book is a character coming from Japan?
Gigi and Ojiji by Melissa Iwai p. 6
In which book does a character always give a nice balloon?
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything by Elise Broach p. 12
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything by Elise Broach p. 14
In which book does a character wade through cold streams?
In which book is a baby born with teeth?
Pup the Sea Otter by Jonathan London p. 3
In which book does a character read a sign and then say, "They must mean a toy!"
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything by Elise Broach p. 2
In which book does a character teach another how to dunk?
When Carrot Met Cookie by Erica S. Perl p. 11
I which book can a strong character haul any load?
Littlest Airplane by Brooke Hartman p. 4