What is the answer to an addition problem called?
The sum.
Amy has to sell 238 tickets. Mike has to sell 471 tickets. How many tickets will they sell all together?
709 tickets
Stacy has 1, 256 baseball cards to sell to the shop. Tanner has 2,395 baseball cards to sell. If they both sell their cards, how many baseball cards would the shop buy in total?
The baseball card shop would buy 3,651 cards.
How do you know when to regroup?
When the sum is more than 10. WHOOP WHOOP REGROUP!!!
Lacy and Madi have to plant 173 flowers in the new park downtown. Then they have to go over to the city building and plant 246 more flowers. How many flowers will they need to buy?
They will need to buy 419 flowers.
Ryan wants to build his collection of marbles. He has 397 marbles already. His aunt gives him 382 more for his birthday. How many marbles does he have now?
He has 779 marbles.
1,000 more than 9,876 100 more than 9,876 10 more than 9,876 1 more than 9,876
What is 10,876; 9,976; 9,886; 9,877?
To use place value to exchange equal amounts when renaming a number.
What is regrouping (to regroup)?
Laura has lots of beads for making necklaces. She has 1,045 beads. She bought a kit on Amazon that has n 2,390 beads in it. How many beads does she have in total?
She has a total of 3,435 beads.