If Mr. S has 9 cupcakes but eats 2, he has ____ cupcakes left.
7 Cupcakes
How many shoe brands? Nike, Saucony, Brooks, Reebok, Adidas
5 Shoe brands
If you want to play 10 games, but only play 4.. how many are left to play?
6 games
There are 7 EAs, and 5 are on a break. How many can work right now?
2 EAs
How many ingredients? Peanut Butter, Jam, bread, banana
4 ingredients
If Mr. S starts with 10 cupcakes, and eats 10. How many are left?
0 Cupcakes... and one very content Mr. S
1 pair of shoes go for a walk and meet 16 pairs of shoes. How many pairs of shoes meet up?
17 pairs of shoes
Your top 12 games, plus your friends best 5 games are how many?
17 games
The EA helps copy 20 papers, but copied 5 too many. How many students do they have?
15 students
If you carve 8 pumpkins, but smash 3. how many are left?
5 pumpkins
If you buy 5 sprinkles, 1 wrapper, and 1 cupcake you bought _____ items.
7 items
10 pairs of shoes have broken laces, and 3 pairs of shoes are fixed with new laces. How many pairs shoes can be worn now?
3 pairs of shoes
You've played 20 your favourite top 100 video games. How many have you played?
80 video games
The EA instructs the student to leave at 11:30 to return by 11:45. How many minutes is that?
15 mins
You have 4 truck tires. But go ahead and buy 4 more. And then buy another 4 tires. How many tires in total?
12 truck tires
If Mr. S wants to bake 9 cupcakes to add to his collection of 200 cupcakes.. he has how many?
209 cupcakes
Ms. G loves shoes. She has 100 pairs. She buys 4 more pairs. How many does she have now?
104 pairs of shoes
There are 9 characters on your squad. You only have 4 slots filled. What is your fraction of slots filled?
4 out of 9
9 EAs came for a meeting. 7 EAs left but 1 returned How many were in the room after that?
3 EAs
The time is 2:00. The Bell will ring at 2:25. How many minutes to you have to wait?
25 minutes
If Mr. S has 3 cupcakes, buys 2 more, but then eats 1, he has ______ cupcakes left.
4 cupcakes
Ms. G has 7 pairs of shoes, buys 2 more, but loses 1 pair. How many?
8 pairs of shoes
You buy 5 games, sell 3, and then buy 4 more. How many?
6 games
1 EA supervised the gym of 20 students. 10 students left. How many people are left in the room?
11 people left in the gym
If you have 5 students in one class, 5 students in another class, and 5 students in a third class, how many students?
15 students