554 + 782 =
What is 1,336
1,000 + 3,415 =
20,000 + 40,000 =
What is 60,000
Marie has 246 marbles. Bobby gives her 420 more. How many marbles does she have altogether?
45,304 + 92,867
What is 138,171
429 + 305=
What is 734
2,054 + 1,397 =
What is 3,451
25,324 + 18,739 =
Carlee has $1,864. After babysitting, she earned $250 more. How much money does she have now?
What is $2,114
743,928 + 52,917
What is 796,845
924 + 139 =
What is 1,063
4,025 + 3,271 =
What is 7,296
64,298 + 29,532 =
What is 93,830
Leroy counted 2,498 snowflakes falling on the ground. The next day 24, 456 more snowflakes fell. How many snowflakes fell altogether?
What is 26,954 snowflakes.
259,305 + 849,217
What is 1,108,522
456 + 789 =
What is 1,245
6,193 + 5, 359 =
What is 11,552
73,104 + 48,392 =
What is 121,496
Marjie had collected 59,329 stickers. After her birthday, she received 4,679 more stickers. How many stickers does she have in total?
What is 64,008 stickers.
3,485,239 + 7,359,814
What is 10,845,053
999 + 999=
3,104 + 5,329 + 2,678 =
What is 11,111
33,333 + 44,444 + 55,555 =
What is 133,332
John, Bob, and Joe collected baseball cards. John had 15,347 cards. Bob had 2,499 cards. Joe had 11,968 cards. How many cards do the boys have altogether?
What is 29,814 cards
1,234,567 + 8,912,345
What is 10,146,912