What is 22 + 8
the addition answer is 30
What is 5 - 3?
the subtraction answer is 2
34 + 27
What is 22 - 16?
the subtraction answer is 6
What is Ms. Davis' favorite color?
Does Mrs. Villarreal have children?
What is 49 + 13
the addition answer is 62
What is 19 - 2 ?
the subtraction answer is 17
29 + 29
What is 24 - 15?
the subtraction answer is 9
What is Ms. Davis' dog's name?
Where is Mrs. Villarreal from?
What is 15 + 5?
the addition answer is 20
What is 35 - 5 ?
the subtraction answer is 30
77 + 64
What is 76 - 39?
the subtraction answer is 37
How long has Ms. Davis been teaching?
10 years
What is Mrs. Villarreal's dog's name?
What is 20 + 3+ 8?
the addition answer is 31
What is 13 - 2?
the subtraction answer is 11
49 + 56
What is 89 - 75?
the subtraction answer is 14
Where is Ms. Davis from?
New York
How long has Mrs. Villarreal been teaching?
10 years
What is 200 + 4+ 30
the addition answer is 234
What is 27 - 10 ?
the subtraction answer is 17
99 + 99
What is 88 - 78?
the subtraction answer is 10
How old is Ms. Davis?
What is Mrs. Villarreal's favoite colorS?
black and white