2 Digit
3 Digit
4 Digit

82 + 39 = 



734 + 302 = 



2,193 + 1,804 =



Miss McDermott was taking a walk down her street. She counted 34 blue cars, 29 black cars, and 38 red cars. She also saw 9 green cars. How many cars did she count in total?

110 cars


12 + 43 + 92 + 56 = 



99 + 88 =



559 + 623 =



6,344 + 2,276 =



Miss McDermott was shopping at the mall. She spent $45 on a pair of shoes, $39 on a new sweater, and $1,099 on a new computer. She also treated herself to a new purse for $708. How much money did Miss McDermott spend in total? 



293 + 394 + 847 = 



Lexa and Maggie were searching for baby frogs on the playground. Lexa counted 43 frogs. Maggie looked under a big pile of leaves and found another 22 frogs. How many baby frogs did the girls find altogether? 

65 baby frogs


Sara was looking to purchase some pomeranians. She went to one store and found a pomeranian for $839. Then, she checked another store and found a great deal - a pomeranian for $289! She decided to buy both. How much money did Sara spend on her new dogs?  


Giada wants to buy a new TV for her and her sister. They go to Target and find a TV for $1,599. Then, they check out Walmart and find another TV for $1,399. They couldn't decide which TV to buy, so they bought both. How much money did they spend on TVs? 



For a party, Mr. O was asked to bring fruit. He bought 45 apples, 2 dozen oranges, and half a dozen bananas. How many pieces of fruit did Mr. O bring to the party?  

1 dozen = 12 

2 dozen = 24 

half a dozen = 6

75 pieces of fruit


Miss McCoy and her friends went on a road trip last weekend. She drove 539 miles, then stopped for gas. Her friend drove another 249 miles but started to get tired, so Miss McCoy took over again. She drove another 773 miles. Finally, they arrived at their destination. They parked, but had to move their car another 5 miles because they parked illegally. How many miles did they drive Miss McCoy's car?

1,566 miles 


During independent reading time, Elizabeth read 66 pages of a book. She still has 33 more pages to go before she finishes the book. How many pages are there in total? 

99 pages


Justin has 567 Pokemon cards, his sister has 382, and his cousin has 103. If they put their card collection together, how many Pokemon cards will they have combined? 

1,052 Pokemon cards


Michael was playing his favorite video game last Friday. Within the first 10 minutes, Michael killed 1,088 zombies. Soon after, Michael killed another 1,744 zombies! During the bonus round, he killed another 1,203 zombies. How many zombies did Michael kill in total? 

4,035 zombies 


Lorena and Raegan started a candy collection. On Monday, they collected 1,823 pieces of candy. On Tuesday, they collected 1,248 pieces of candy. On Wednesday, they collected another 3,204 pieces of candy. They decided that was enough...for now. How many pieces of candy did the girls collect altogether?

 6,275 pieces of candy


Mr. O went to a concert with his family the other night. There were 3,529 fans on one side of the auditorium and another 3,983 fans on the other side of the auditorium. He didn't realize, but there was also an underground standing area with an additional 1,998 fans. How many fans were at the concert in total?  

9,510 fans


Maddie went to the Bridgewater Mall last weekend. She bought 39 shirts, 13 pairs of pants, 22 scarves, and 10 hats. How many pieces of clothing did Maddie buy altogether? 

84 pieces of clothing


Bri, Yoel, and Sofia were raking leaves this morning. Bri collected 239 leaves, Yoel collected 602 leaves, and Sofia collected 458 leaves. How many leaves did they rake altogether?

1,299 leaves


Six Flags amusement park sold 2,034 tickets in September and 1,989 tickets in October. The competition amusement park, Seven Flags, sold 1,756 tickets in September and 2,145 tickets in October. Which park sold more tickets over the past 2 months?

Six Flags: 4,023 tickets

Seven Flags: 3,901 tickets

Six Flags sold more tickets! Thank goodness! 


For a birthday party, Miss McCoy needed to buy a lot of balloons. She bought 309 red balloons, 288 orange balloons, and 177 pink balloons. Unfortunately, 3 red balloons popped, 2 orange balloons popped, and 5 pink balloons popped. How many balloons did Miss McCoy have in total?

309 - 3 = 306 

288 - 2 = 286 

177 - 5 = 172

306 + 286 + 172 = 764 balloons


Miss McDermott, Miss McCoy, and Mr. O went shopping last weekend. Miss McDermott bought a new couch for $3,459.50. Miss McCoy bought a new washing machine for $3,258.75. Mr. Oliveri bought a new toilet for $2,281.99. How much money did the teachers spend altogether on their various household items?  


What a steal!