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How did the railway impact Indigenous communities? (3 reasons)

Loss of land, displacement, and environmental damage.


This event was happening in America prior to Confederation and was a push towards Confederation.

American Civil War


The psychological effects of past traumas passed down to future generations.

Intergenerational Trauma


What city was Canada’s capital in 1867?



What was the goal of the Numbered Treaties?

To secure land for settlement and resource extraction, while promising benefits like reserves and annual payments to Indigenous Peoples.


Why were British attitudes changing?

People in Britain were getting frustrated that their resources (money and troops) were supporting BNA


How did the Gold Rush impact the population of British Columbia?

It brought an influx of people from eastern British North America, the U.S., Europe, and China, displacing First Nations and causing conflicts.


Explain why the railway was important

  • Sense of unity / connect the colonies / provinces 

  • Canals and roads were unreliable 

  • For intercolonial trade

For defense → mobilize troops, supplies, and improve communication     


Why did Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland not join Confederation?

PEI felt isolated and opposed Confederation due to unresolved land issues; Newfoundland valued its independence and feared higher taxes.


List all the factors that supported Confederation

> Political Deadlock in the Province of Canada

> Defense Reasons

Manifest Destiny, Fenian Raids

>Economic Reasons 

End of Reciprocity Treaty (US), End of Colonial Preference / end of the Corn Laws (Britain) 

>Changing British Attitudes

>Need for a Railway