The total in an addition equation.
What is the sum/whole?
What are you looking for when you subtract?
The difference or missing part
Name 2 Addition strategies that you can use to solve a problem.
Base ten blocks (picture model)
Number Line
If I don't have enough ones to subtract but I have 5 tens what can I do?
Decompose one of the tens into 10 ones to subtract.
Maya has 350 apples and need to give away 78 apples. How many apples will be remaining?
How would I label my important information.
What operation would be needed to solve.
350 - Total/Whole
78- Part I know
Apples Remaining- Missing Part
Subtraction is needed to solve.
This important information is needed for an addition equation
What is part/part whole?
This information is needed in order to write a subtraction equation.
When you hop using the number line to add should the numbers increase (get greater) or decrease?
Name two subtraction strategies that you can use to solve a subtraction equation.
Base ten blocks (pictorial model)
Number line
Josue found 258 pennies on the playground.
Rachel found 214 pennies on the playground.
How many pennies did they find altogether?
How would I label my important information?
258 - part
214 - part
Whole is missing
Putting 2 or more parts together is what?
Finding the sum/total or whole
What information is needed in a subtraction problem?
A missing part/ difference.
When you have more than 10 ones when using the base ten strategies what should you do?
Regroup or compose 10 ones in the tens place.
Nia has a 245 skittles. 124 skittles are green. 13 skittles are red.The rest are yellow. How many skittles are yellow?
How would you label this important information and write an equation?
245 - whole
124 green- part
13 red- part
Yellow- Missing Part
(245-124)-13= ____
What should you do 1st in LKS?
Read the problem 2 times.
Another word for regrouping in a subtraction problem
Mia sorted her jar of skittles. There are 124 yellow skittles, 25 red skittles and 45 green skittles. How many total skittles does Mia have?
How would you label this important information?
124 yellow- part
25 red- part
45- green part
Missing total/whole?
124+25+45= ____
What strategy should you use first to compare how many more?
Vertical strip diagram
What two strategies should I use in every addition and subtraction problem?
Strip diagram and equation
What symbol do I use to in an addition problem?
The plus sign
What do I do when I don't have enough to subtract from a digit in the ones place?
Decompose a ten from the tens place?
What are you trying to find in an addition problem?
The sum or whole number
What are you doing when you are trying to find how many more? What operation should you use?
Comparing subtract
What should you do to all your important information in the know stage of LKS?
Label your important information.