Identification and Causes
Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics
Educational and Medication Considerations
Early Intervention and Transition to Adulthood
This type of twins is more likely to both have ADHD.
What is identical?
These are the three categories of diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
What are Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity?
True or False: You should wait until after an activity is over to administer consequences to a student with ADHD.
What is false?
This highly recommended therapeutic technique involves identifying someone whom the person with ADHD can rely on for support.
What is coaching?
Assessment of students with ADHD includes procedures for evaluating social and emotional behaviors and this.
What are academic skills?
This is one of two substances that has been shown to be related to ADHD when ingested by a pregnant woman.
What is alcohol or tobacco?
True or False: People with ADHD usually possess above average intelligence.
What is true?
This type of reinforcement has been successful with children who have ADHD.
What is positive?
This fraction of individuals who are diagnosed with ADHD in childhood will continue to have significant symptoms in adulthood.
What is two-thirds?
According to one study, 81% of students with ADHD received this testing accommodation.
What is extended time?
This test consists of stimuli, presented one at a time on a screen rapidly. The individual presses a button each time a certain stimuli appears.
What is Continuous Performance Test?
True or false, a child who isn’t hyperactive can’t have ADHD.
What is false?
All children with ADHD benefit from classrooms that have this.
What is structure?
A great deal of motor activity and a lack of impulse control make students with ADHD in this age group particularly difficult to manage.
What are preschoolers?
An advantage of this assessment tool for students with ADHD is that the measures take very little time to administer and are focused on a particular task.
What is curriculum-based measurement (CBM)?
True or False: A child is more than 50% likely to have ADHD if their parent does.
What is true (57%)?
People with ADHD often have trouble with working memory, inner speech, and time awareness. These are all considered to be this type of function.
What is executive?
This assessment involves determining the consequences, antecedents, and setting events that maintain inappropriate behaviors.
What is Functional Behavior Assessment?
Because there is no test for ADHD, this is of utmost importance in identifying and treating ADHD in adults.
What is a person's history?
This is an interval recording procedure used to capture a representative sample of a target behavior over a specified period of time.
What is momentary time sampling?
These are three of the four components to assessing whether a student has ADHD.
What are Medical Exam, Clinical Interview, Teacher/Parent Rating Scales, Behavioral Observation?
These are two of the three types of coexisting conditions that can occur with ADHD.
What are Learning Disabilities, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Substance Abuse?
Stimulant ADHD medications influence the release of this neurotransmitter.
What is Dopamine?
Research has shown that providing this to the parents of preschoolers with ADHD can be successful in improving behavior and pre-academic skills.
What is training on intensive, structured behavior management?
The Diagnostic Assessment Scale for ADHD which evaluates inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity is appropriate for students in this age range.
What is 5-18 years old?