What phone does Adi own?
What is the iPhone 15 Pro?
Game Adi is most likely to be seen playing on his phone.
What is Clash of Clans?
Favorite family member.
Who is Vedant/Vedu/BG
What is his favorite memory.
What is BGs birthday
Adi‘s Play Station type.
What is the PS5?
Game Adi plays when me and Ishaan force him.
What is Minecraft?
Adi birthdate.
When is 2004, December 15th?
When was Adi’s first visit outside America.
When is 2005?
One of my favorite tv shows but also a tv show Adi used to like.
What is SpongeBob SquarePants?
Favorite card game.
What is Uno?
(Answer to 100)’s birthdate.
When is 2017, Feburary 24th, 8;38 AM?
His favorite vacation.
Where is Paris?
Adi’s favorite food.
What is Chicken Byrani?
Favorite board game.
What is Monopoly?
Adi’s fifth birthday location.
Where is India?
What is Adi + Adi x Adi ÷ Adi
MacBook Adi owns.
What is the MacBook Air
Favorite video game character.
Who is Chase from Paw Patrol The Movie: Adventure City Calls
Which family members were there when he was born.
I don’t know.