The verb "to go to sleep" in Spanish
What is "Domirse: (ue)
What does"Me duele" translate to?
What is "it hurts"
what is "pantalones"
"Ears" in spanish
What are "El oido"
"El Teatro" in English
The verb "Sit Down" in Spanish
What is "Sentarse"
What does "Estar Contento" translate to
"Cotton" in spanish
What is "Algodon"
What is "El estomago"
"la libreria" in English
What is "the Library"
The verb "to Wake up" in Spanish
What is "Despertarse"
What does "tener fiebre" translate to?
What is "to have a fever"
"Sweater" in spanish
What is "sueter"
"Throat" in Spanish
What is "La Garganta"
"La Playa" in English
What is "the beach"
The verb "to remove" in Spanish?
What is "Quitarse"
What does "Me siento debil" translate to?
What is "I feel weak"
"Expensive" in Spanish
What is "Caro
"Head" in Spanish
What is "La Cabeza"
"Al Centro Commercial" in english
What is "the Mall"
The verb "to wash" in Spanish
What is "lavarse"
What does "tengo tos" translate to?
What is "I have a cough"
"Tie" in Spanish
What is "corbata"
"Arm" in Spanish
What is "el brazo"
What is "the building"