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Name any 3 actions you can take using the ADP portal.

Request time off, view PTO balances, enter timecards, view pay stubs, access your 401(k), access tax documents (e.g. W2), view your benefits, view your employee profile


Everyone at Spoonfuls is added to these 3 public channels when hired.

What are #allstaff, #spoonfuls-shares, and #watercooler-allstaff?


These are the different levels of access that can be given when sharing a file or folder with someone on Google Drive.

What are viewer, commenter, and editor? (if sharing directly) OR

What are restricted/only people with direct access can open the link, Spoonfuls/any spoonfuls email can open the link, and anyone can open with the link? (if sharing with a link)


These are the 3 ways you can submit a receipt to Expensify.

EXTRA CREDIT: Receipts should be submitted within ____ days of purchase.

What are through the app, through the website, or by emailing

Extra Credit: What is 30?


What you should do if you have a question and don't know who to ask.

What is to look at the "internal contacts" in the office manual? If your answer is not there, you can ask your manager.


Open enrollment happens in the Spring with ADP. This is the date our new health insurance plans start.

When is June 1st?


This public channel should be used to share a story from the road or about food recovery or our mission.

What is #spoonfuls-shares?


"My Drive" should be used for this.

What is nothing, personal files, or highly confidential files?

Any working doc should go into a shared drive! Good rule of thumb: if you unexpectedly left Spoonfuls today, would anything be lost when your drive is deleted? The answer should always be no! 


These fields are required to be filled out in Expensify so a receipt can be accounted for properly.

What are Class and GL Code?

If you email a receipt, you need to open to mark the class/code EVERY TIME!


You should email this email address if you're having technical issues with your work devices or apps (laptop, truck phone, access to systems, etc.).

EXTRA CREDIT: This email address goes to whom?

What is email

Extra credit: Nick and Mark at Ethikos

(Don't forget to indicate a level of importance or timeline when emailing support@ so they know how urgently the issue needs to be fixed)


Thinking of regular work time, this should be entered under the Pay Code column in your timesheet.

What is nothing?


This public channel is reserved for important announcements or requests and should be kept clear of conversations and 'chatter'.

What is #allstaff?


These are the two ways anyone can find the office manual in Google Drive.

What are search "office manual" and go into the "Office and Organizational Info" drive and locate the office manual in the "Office & Spoonfuls" folder?


This is the process you should follow if you don't have a receipt or you lose a receipt.

What is get lost receipt form, fill it out, get your manager's signature, and submit to Expensify as you would a normal receipt?


You would like to schedule a meeting with someone but don't know when they are available. You can see their schedule by entering their email into the _____ box on Google Calendar.

What is "Meet With"?


I must submit my timecard by _____ on _____, so that my manager can approve it by _____ on _____.

What is 5 PM on Friday and 12 PM on Monday?


Private channels in Slack are organized by these.

What are departments and truck routes?


This happens when you upload a file to a folder that already has another file with that same name.

What is Google asks if you want to replace the existing file or keep both files?

Replacing an existing file is extremely useful! Older versions of the file will still be accessible in the file history.


These are the email addresses you should use when submitting a receipt vs. an invoice that needs to be paid, respectively.

What are and


This is our accounting partner that helps us keep track of our finances and makes sure we are in compliance with laws regarding nonprofit accounting and budgeting.

EXTRA CREDIT: name one person who works there.

What is AAFCPAs (or just AAF)?

Extra credit: Hector, Lauren, Jenny, Joshua


Aside from HR, ADP is also available to help. Questions for ADP can be directed here.

Who is a "My Life Advisor"? (1-844-448-0325)


Name 3 actions you can take by hovering over a message in Slack.

REACT with an emoji, REPLY IN THREAD, forward message, SAVE FOR LATER, MARK UNREAD, REMIND ME ABOUT THIS, pin to conversation


These are the two best ways to save a file or folder to a different location without moving the original file/folder or changing its format.

What are creating a shortcut or starring?

Try to avoid making copies!


Name ALL the things that should be included ON a receipt and/or in Expensify when submitting a receipt.

What are merchant name, date of purchase, amount, cardholder number, GL code, class, and business purpose?

Do your best to check the auto-filled fields each time. Expensify doesn't always get it right!


Name FIVE different things you can find in the office manual.

Staff directory, truck phone numbers, contacts for accounting, IT, and HR, how to print, our tax ID, the Ring Alarm code, how to submit a receipt, how to submit for reimbursement, mileage forms, etc etc