In this Middle School grade, students study New Mexico History with Ms. Nordstrum.
What is 7th Grade?
This city, named after the nation's first president, is the capital of the United States.
What is Washington, D.C.?
This 17-day debacle between October 1 and October 17, 2013 was a result of the U.S. Congress failing to enact a bill that would appropriate funds for the fiscal year 2014.
What is the Federal Government Shutdown of 2013?
Equipped with a sharp goatee, he is the Director of Admissions at Prep.
Who is Johnny Depp?
You will be valued as an individual and challenged and supported as a learner at this school that is happy to be hosting you today.
What is Santa Fe Prep?
In this grade, Global Studies, the class I teach, is the History Department offering.
What is 8th Grade?
This river has its headwaters in Colorado and empties into the Gulf of Mexico, forming a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border along the way.
What is the Rio Grande?
This country recently expressed outrage that the National Security Agency may have been eavesdropping on phone calls within its frontières, or borders.
What is France?
This was the theme (and most repeated word) of the talk given by Ms. Kalangis' Spoken Word Troupe.
What is "together"?
YOU can become one of these, our school mascot with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion.
What is a Griffin?
Upper school students take World History II with Dr. Russell Spinney during this year.
What is 10th Grade?
This range of mountains, named for its appearance, stretches from New Mexico up to the northernmost part of the Northwest Territories in Canada.
What are the Rocky Mountains?
Thanks to massive evacuation efforts that moved over 800,000 people, Cyclone Phailin hit the eastern coast of this country with a relatively low cost of human life.
What is India?
This pony-tailed guru and Red Sox fan is teaching a mean math class next door.
Who is the Nuccinator? (Drew Nucci)
You can take classes in this building, named after a famous Santa Fe architect, that houses our Ceramics, Darkroom and Visual Photography, Drawing, and Art classes.
What is "the Meem?"
Taught by Mark Bixby and spanning from colonization to the turn of the 20th century, the American History class is a favorite in this grade.
What is 11th Grade?
Alone, this river is the 17th longest in the world. With the Missouri, it's 3,740 total miles rank it the world's 4th longest.
What is the Mississippi River?
Civil war in this Middle Eastern country continues while the U.N. makes efforts to cease the use of chemical weapons by President Assad.
What is Syria?
Santa Fe Prep is an inclusive school community. We treat each other equally and the way we want to be treated--which happens to be this precious rule.
What is the Golden Rule?
You can take the stage and perform music, the play, or sing and act in this, put on each Spring by Prep's outstanding Performing Arts program.
What is the Musical?
Led by the talented Ms. Rae, World History I is taught in this grade.
What is 9th Grade?
This city, located in the province of Ontario, is both Canada's 4th largest and the nation's capital.
What is Ottowa?
In 2013, this award went to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons.
What is the Nobel Peace Prize?
Santa Fe Prep values diversity. This is a guess as to how many different elementary schools from which the current 7th grade class came.
What is 25?
Each Thursday you have the opportunity to do community service during this award-winning program, also known as TAP.