The Founder of Nursing
Who is Florence Nightengale?
Item that measures Blood pressure
What is a sphygmomanometer?
Normal adult temperature in celsius
What is 37 degrees?
What is nothing by mouth?
The model used to determine the needs of patients in 11 functional areas
What are Gordon's Health Patterns?
Nursing is the most _______ profession
What is trusted / honest / ethical / respected?
Device used to deliver oxygen to a patient via the nose
What is a nasal cannula?
The normal adult heart rate
What is 60-100?
What is "as needed"?
Bottom level of Maslow's Hierarchy
What is physiological?
These harbor the most bacteria found on the human hands
What are the fingernails?
Item that measures Oxygen Saturation
What is a pulse oximeter?
Normal respirations for an adult
What is 12-20?
What is hour of sleep or bedtime?
In each pattern, assessments are divided into these 2 categories
What are harmonies and disharmonies?
The best way to prevent infection
What is handwashing?
This item drains and collects urine from the bladder
What is a Foley catheter?
The top and bottom numbers of a blood pressure
What are the systolic and diastolic?
No known allergies
Disharmonies lead to this
What are nursing diagnoses?
Nurses walk an average of this many miles in a 12 hour shift
What is 4 to 5 miles?
Machine that stores and dispenses medications
What is a Pxyis?
Pulse oximetry for an adult
What is 95-100?
PQRST pain rating
What is Provoking factors, Quality, Radiation, Severity and Timing?
The time when discharge planning starts
What is on admission?