General Info

When does this class meet? Include days and times. 

Mondays 1300-1600


What percentage of your grade comes from assignments?

  • Activities/Quizzes/Care Plan = 20%

What is the "Ticket to Class"?

Completion of the post-tests for the modules assigned for that week.

What happens if you miss more than 2 classes in this course without prior arrangements with me?
  1. Students are expected to be present, awake, and alert for all classes. Attendance is monitored and absences will be documented in the student's record. Students missing more than two (2) class sessions per course will be placed on probation and may be advised to withdraw from the program upon recommendation of the nursing faculty and the director of the nursing program. Please see your “Student Handbook” for further specifics on the nursing programs attendance policy.

Where can you find more information about the clinical care plan assignment?

Canvas - under the clinical resources module. This is also where you will turn in your assignment. You will be presenting them to your clinical group on the last day during post conference, but need to turn in your presentation on Canvas.


How should you communicate with me?

Communication outside of class will be done through email, office phone, or face to face during posted office hours (Mon-Fri). In-class communication will be done through face-to-face communication and the use of computers. Please inform the instructor if barriers to communication exist.


What is the grade that you must have in this course in order to pass?

Students in all Health Occupations Programs must have an 80% or above to pass the course and continue into the next term of the program. You must also pass the clinical portion (PASS/FAIL) in order to pass the class.


What happens if you don't show proof of completion for your "Ticket to Class"?

You will be asked to leave the classroom to make up your Ticket to Class. Then you may come back to class and catch up from a classmate on the missed discussions.


What is the testing policy?

Exams in the nursing program may be timed. Students are allowed one minute per question. An exception to the rule applies only to students who have documented accommodations through the Success Center. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of these accommodations in order to make alternate arrangements. Students will be required to clear the tables of all books and personal items during tests, including cell phones, which should be turned off. Once a student is finished testing and leaves the classroom, they are not allowed to re-enter the room until all students are finished testing.


What happens if I miss clinical or simulation?

All hours missed for clinical and simulation will be made up - how they will be made up is up to faculty and the Associate Dean of Health Occ. 

Remember 1 hour of simulation = 2 hours of clinical. (if you miss a day of simulation 8 hours, you'll need to make up 16 hours of clinical).

Notify your clinical instructor, your classroom instructor (if different) about your absence before the start of the clinical day - if you don't notify them before it will count as an absence, and you'll receive a U in clinical.


How can you be the most successful in this course?

To be successful in this course, students are required to attend classes, participate in discussion/group work, complete assignments/projects on time and obtain an 80% or higher in the class. Early detection of barriers to learning are key and need to be addressed as soon as possible. If you have any barriers to learning please contact the instructor for additional guidance. 

ALSO - Office hours! Reach out to me for help - if I don't know that you need help I can't help.


What is the policy for missed in-class activities or quizzes? 

No make-up points will be awarded for missed in-class activities or quizzes. Lost points will also result if the student misses a class activity or quiz due to tardiness or missing part of the class. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the instructor regarding any information he/she may have missed by not being in class. 10% of points will be deducted for each day of late work. If you have not completed the "Ticket to Class" assignment you will be asked to leave, complete the assignment, and return to class. You will need to meet with your peers for any missed class work and no class points will be given.


What type of assignments do we have in this class? 

This is a flipped classroom and most of your reading assignments are going to be the modules within ATI Engage Maternal Newborn and Women's Health. You will have the Post Test for the modules to complete as a Ticket to Class. And in class we will then do active learning activities to help review what you learned in the modules.


What is academic integrity?

The very nature of higher education requires that students adhere to accepted standards of academic integrity. The Student Code of Conduct is found in the Student Handbook. Violations include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, abuse of academic materials, complicity in academic dishonesty, and falsification of records and official documents. Instructors take these violations very seriously, and you should be aware that further administrative disciplinary actions may be taken, up to and including course failure and expulsion from college. Please learn about plagiarism and how to properly cite other people’s work.

IVCCD acknowledges the influence of Artificial Intelligence in education. Generative AI content, like any other source, must be cited in all academic works, and is not a substitute for critical reading or critical thinking. As such, copying work from Generative AI is plagiarism. Individual instructors have discretion on the use of AI. 


How much of your grade is clinical and simulation worth?

The Clinical/Simulation portion of the class is pass/fail. This is based on your evaluation from your clinical instructor if you are meeting all of the requirements for a safe nurse. The goal is to do a continuous evaluation throughout the clinical and simulation so that you are able to correct what is wrong and grow from it. So you should know well in advance what needs to change, but if you don't change it then you're at risk for failing and in return failing the course as well.


Where is my office located and what are my office hours?

Health Occupations officed 544C. Monday 09-12 and Thursday 09-12 & 13-15


Where do you find your grades for this course?

Grades are found under the grades tab within the canvas course. Keep an eye on your grades - I am human and make mistakes. So if you believe I've made a mistake with your grade please let me know in a respectful manner and I will take a look at it.


How much time should you be spending outside of class for this course?

3-4 hours per credit hour. 

10.5-14 hours per week should be spent on this course outside of classtime for you to study.


How do we determine if you have plagiarized something on an assignment?

The Iowa Valley Community College District uses a plagiarism detection system called CopyLeaks on Canvas, the online learning management system. Students agree that by taking this course, all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to the plagiarism detection system on Canvas.


Where do you find out what you need to complete before your simulation date?

Information for simulation can be found under the simulation module in the canvas course. Currently there's nothing in there, but it will be updated with your pre-simulation assignments to complete and I will send out an announcement when it's uploaded.


Where do I go if I need help with the course work?

There are several places you can go! 

-First come to me! I'm here to help you and I can't help you if you don't let me know that you're in need of help.

-Second ask for help from your classmates - maybe someone understands the concept better and can help explain it in a different way. Form study groups together.

-Third you can go to the Student Success Center in the Library for help too! They don't have an ADN tutor on hand, but they can help with other things like helping you learn how to study more efficiently.


What is the required textbook for this class?

There isn't a required physical textbook other than the ATI RN Maternal Newborn Nursing book. There is an optional supplemental textbook - but the main information source will be from ATI Engage Maternal, Newborn and Women's Health Modules.


Where can I find the requirements in order to receive the Pre-Class Assignment points?

There is a page within canvas under the Welcome: Begin Here! module that explains what needs to be done in order to receive your points.


What is the ATI remediation policy and where can I find it?

ATI remediation policy can be found in the student handbook. You will need to complete the two practice tests (dates in the calendar) and then complete the required focused review remediation. Remediation consists of completing ATI active learning templates on the missed subjects. All templates and test results are kept in a binder that is organized with tabs for each section. You have remediation on practice test A and B, and then on the final proctored test.


What am I expected to wear to clinicals and simulation?

Dress professionally in your uniform. Please refer to the student handbook for specific dress code (i.e. no nail polish/fake nails, jewelry etc.)