Signs & Symptoms
Coping Skills

This symptom of depression is more often seen in teens and children, which can make it more difficult to recognize depression rather than behavioral issues. It is characterized by being quick to anger and aggressive behaviors.

What is irritability?


This professional obtains a medical degree and typically prescribes psychotropic medication to help patients and clients manage symptoms of mental health conditions.

What is a psychiatrist?


This skill is used to calm the body and the mind by focusing the attention on the lungs. It can be called square, deep, controlled, etc.

What is breathing exercise?


True or false: Men are more likely to be diagnosed with mental health disorders than women.

False: for several reasons, men are less likely to be diagnosed with mental health disorders. Reasons can include not seeking treatment and stigma around men's emotions.


This singer and former Disney Channel actor has been vocal about their experiences with mental health issues, including an overdose that nearly took their life.

Who is Demi Lovato?


This symptom is characterized by a sudden onset of terror or fear, seemingly out of nowhere, that can make a person feel like they are having a heart attack or that they are about to die.

What is a panic attack?


This professional typically obtains a master's degree and provides patients and clients with guidance and support in navigating mental health symptoms and stressors.

What is a counselor/therapist?


This skill can be helpful in making the body produce endorphins which can elevate mood and improve metabolism and digestion. Examples are running, walking, biking, swimming, dancing, etc.

What is exercise/physical activity?


True or false: Mental health disorders are best treated with medication only.

False: the best outcomes are generally associated with both medication and therapy in conjuction.


This popstar has been open about her struggles with mental health issues, even writing songs about her experiences with symptoms and the effects of medication.

Who is Lady Gaga?


This disorder is characterized by intense periods of low mood as well as periods of elevated mood. The periods are known as depressive and manic (hypomanic) epidsodes.

What is bipolar disorder?

This is a person who typically does not require formal education but has personal experience dealing with the issues they treat. They are mostly seen in youth centers or centers treating substance use and addiction.

What is a peer support/peer advocate?


This skill is used to center the mind and focus on the present moment, bringing awareness to the sensations both physically and mentally in the current moment.

What is meditation/grounding?


True or false: Mental health disorders can affect anyone.

True: mental health disorders do not know race, religion, socioeconomic status, or other factors. Though certain factors can play a role, anyone from any walk of life can be affected by mental health disorders.


This actor was open about his experiences with anxiety while filming Deadpool, often referring to the intense expectations of certain roles and jobs that can affect sleep and other areas of life.

Who is Ryan Reynolds?


This is a common behavior associated with depression that causes people to remain inside their homes or rooms away from others and minimize social interaction.

What is isolation?


This professional works under the supervision of a psychiatrist and provides patients with ongoing medical and psychiatric care including administering medication, completing assessments, and providing health education.

What is a psychiatric nurse?


This skill is used to process thoughts and feelings when someone cannot or does not feel comfortable with saying them to another person. This can act as a private way to make sense of confusing and uncomfortable thoughts and emotions.

What is journaling?


True or false: being diagnosed with a mental health disorder means you cannot achieve the same things as someone who has not been diagnosed.

False: with proper treatment and resources, people with mental health disorders can achieve just as much as someone without the same experiences.


This wrestler-turned-actor has opened up about his experiences with depression in childhood and adolescence. He is known recently for roles in Moana and the Fast and the Furious franchise.

Who is Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson?