What was the first pet in adopt me?
The Blue Dog!
What is an update that Adopt me has only done twice?
Valentines Day!
This pet is one of the most hated pets in Adopt Me! It is red.
What is the highest rarity of pets in the game?
What is the lowest price a pet can be in StarPets?
What year was Adopt me released?
How much money do you get from the camping task?
This pet is a red, ultra-rare, and from the original cracked egg.
The Red Panda
How much (about) does the Skele-rex cost in StarPets?
~$0.50 (10 range)
What is one creator of adopt me?
Where do you get the bee's in Adopt Me?
Coffee Shop
This pet is from the Jungle egg, and is super sought after in Adopt me.
The Parrot!
What pet rarity is green in Adopt Me!
True or False: In the new StarPets website, pets are stored on the sellers account.
What season was Adopt Me first released?
Summer! (July 13th)
What is the thing you can eat to heal you in Adopt Me?
The Golden Apple
You hatch this pet from the Christmas egg, and it is the ultra-rare.
Arctic fox!
True or False: All pets are worth more in ride/fly.
About how much does the Bat Dragon cost in starpets?
$150 (20 range)
What is the rare from the first gumball egg in Adopt Me?
The Hyena/Elephant
What shop does Ramsey own in Adopt Me?
The Pizzeria!
This pet is from the desert refresh. It is black.
Abyssinian Cat!
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! What is the absolute best pet in adopt me? Include neon-ness, potions, etc.
Mega No pot Bat/Shadow Dragon!
Can you sell pets for more than you bought them in the old StarPets website?