Underlying Interests/Needs
Art of Questioning
The Birds
Conflict Zones/Escalation

Identify the underlying interest/needs in the following:

A client comes to you and is annoyed because you have not returned their call from yesterday and is suspicious that you are biased in the process. 

Timeliness, efficiency, trust


Come up with a proper reflection and "what" question for the following:

I feel alone in dealing with this company. I wish I had better support and connection.

I hear that there is disconnect and a lack of support. 

What would connection look like for you?

What concerns do you have that have not been addressed?

What kind of support would be helpful?


Respond as you would if you were a woodpecker...

You are a manager responsible for allocating cases. One of your staff, Sarah, has been showing signs of burnout and a decline in performance. Sarah's colleagues have expressed concerns. 

Confront Sarah.

Tell her what she needs to do. 

Let her know the expectations you have of her. 

Stay focused on the task.


Word around the office is that the director is being "egotistical" and "unreasonable" with a staff person (who happens to be his ex-wife), and she agrees. The real reason he is treating her differently is because the policy on new hires has recently changed.

What is level of escalation? What is the conflict zone?




There are 2 levels of listening. 

1) Describe each level and their differences

2) What might be helpful in going from level 1 to level 2

Level 1- Listening through your own experience 

Level 2- Listening to understand

Get into helicopter. Provide a reflection, ask a WHAT Q. Center yourself. 


Identify the 3 underlying interests/needs for the following:

"I am frustrated regarding my recent experience. It feels as if I am caught in a never-ending nightmare, this ordeal is a result of neglect, and incompetence."





Come up with a proper reflection and "what" question for the following:

I signed up for this service expecting a smooth experience, but it's been nothing but trouble. Dealing with constant glitches and errors is frustrating. My complaints seem to disappear into thin air. 

I'm hearing that the process has been frustrating and it has not been efficient. 

What is missing here that would be helpful?

What might make this process less frustrating?


Respond as if you were a parakeet....

As a case worker, you have a challenging client who is becoming increasingly aggressive and demanding. They insist on immediate updates and responses to their inquiries, even during weekends and evenings. This client's behavior is affecting your work-life balance and causing stress.

Tell yourself it's not that bad and that you will try to respond to their demands as best you can. 

Be responsive to them when they reach out. 

Offer to give them what they are requesting, and more.


You completed a big project, but now there's a dispute over who gets credit for its success. Tensions are high as each team member has a unique personality and they are claiming their contributions are more important than the others. Some are now even trying to sabotage the work of others.

What is level of escalation? What is the conflict zone?

Escalation= Hostile

Zone= Relational


What type of power is the following?

Power through whom one knows. Admiration, respect, and influence gained by knowing a great many people, or by knowing those with power.


 Associational Power


Identify the 3 underlying interests/needs in the following:

"The delay in processing my claim is exasperating. I've been patient, but it's been weeks, and the financial strain on me and my family is becoming unbearable."


Financial stability/Security

Return to normal


Come up with a proper reflection and "what" question for the following:

I ordered something online, but what arrived was completely wrong. Trying to get it sorted feels like talking to robots. It's disappointing, and I feel like my issue isn't being taken seriously. 

I hear that you have received the wrong order and have not been able to get resolution for this.

What needs to happen for you to feel like your issue is being prioritized? 

What needs to happen so that you can walk away satisfied?


Respond as if you were an ostrich...

You are part of an assessment team, and a dispute has arisen over a complex case. The client's representative insists that the compensation amount should be higher, while the employer's representative argues the opposite. 

Delay responding to the parties

Deny knowledge of information that may involve you further in the conflict. 

Leave the room 

Stonewall and don't respond, let the parties figure it out.

Send a letter with your decision, avoid talking to them.


There is a disagreement and confusion on a new pay scale policy. Emails were misinterpreted, and now there's friction between staff on who gets what. A few employees have submitted their resignation and are taking their stories to the media.

What is the level of escalation? What is the conflict zone?

Escalation= hostile to polarized

Zone=positional and perceptual


Name 4 barriers to communication.






Determine the 4 underlying interests/needs in the following:

"The constant requests for additional paperwork and medical documentation leave me feeling like I'm being accused of falsifying my claim. The insinuation that I might be trying to cheat the system is infuriating."

Efficient process





Come up with a proper reflection and "what" question for the following:

I've been waiting for a resolution to my issue for what feels like forever. Each time I reach out, it's a long wait for a response, and it's wearing me down. 

I hear that you have been in what seems like an endless loop of waiting and would like a resolution as soon as possible.

What would it look like for it to be sorted out to your liking?

What is getting in the way of finding a resolution?

What's important about having a quick resolution?



Respond as if you were a owl..

Your supervisor has just informed you that you need to take over a particularly challenging Workers' Compensation case that has been mishandled by a colleague. The injured worker is frustrated and upset due to the delays and mistakes in the process. Your colleague feels slighted by your involvement and believes they can still resolve the case.

Ask your supervisor about the case in detail and determine what lead to the decision to give you the case.

Approach your colleague about the situation and ask if they want to discuss it with you.

Reach out to the injured worker to see what is behind the upset and explore what lead to the delays.


A well known and trusted manager was recently head hunted from a successful company. Leadership has given them full liberty on how to manage their new team. However, they are micromanaging staff and causing resentment. The team still respects the manager, but they feel suffocated, and productivity is taking a hit. 

What is the level of escalation? What is the conflict zone?

Escalation= productive

Zone=positional, structural


What is the difference between Neutrality, Impartiality and Unconscious Bias?

Neutrality= Stance/Position

Impartiality= behaviours/process

Unconscious bias=automatic mental associations that can run contrary to our stated beliefs.


Determine the 4 underlying interests/needs for the following:

"The lack of communication is disheartening. I've had to make countless calls, and each time, I'm met with unhelpful and conflicting information. I can't help but interpret this as an intentional effort to discourage people like me from seeking the compensation we rightfully deserve."

Clear and Direct Communication





Come up with a proper reflection and "what" question for the following:

I'm trying to understand the company's policy, but it's like reading a different language. It's frustrating because I need clarity, not confusion. 

I hear that there is frustration in trying to understand a policy that is confusing and lacks clarity. 

What part of the policy would you like more clarity on?

What would make it less confusing for you?

What needs more clarity?


Respond as if you were a hummingbird....

You are a case manager, and a client representative has escalated a claim, insisting on a higher settlement amount for their injured worker. The evidence and medical assessments do not fully support their request, and your job is to negotiate a fair settlement that aligns with the law.

Read the policy and see where room there is for negotiation.

Offer other options to which the party may be able to get what they need (i.e. EI)

Offer to put more time into the case, if they are able to provide proper medical evidence that is needed to support thier request.  


Whispers of an office romance between two coworkers are spreading like wildfire. It's affecting team dynamics and two camps have formed. You recently overheard that this couple is only pretending to be enamoured so that they can create a distraction from committing fraud.

What is the level of escalation? What is the conflict zone?




Explain the three types of negotiation styles and which one is the preferred style and why?




Principled Negotiation is preferred. It is based on: mutually beneficial outcome (win/win), Separates people from the problem, objective criteria.