This section of the SABS is referenced when raising a preliminary issue for a limitation issue
What is S.56
A Respondent has this many days to complete a LAT Response upon receipt of a Response Request. 
What is 10 business days
LAT disputes are to have Litpro Updates every 
What is 20 days 
From the date of receipt of the OCF-1, an Insurer has these many days to put another insurer on notice for priority
What is 90 days 

On Sept. 1, 1715 Louis XIV died in this city, site of a fabulous palace he built.

What is Versailles


Under s.7(3) ) The insurer may deduct from the amount of an income replacement benefit payable to an insured person the following....

What are

a) Post Accident Income 

b) STD & LTD benefits 

c) CPP benefits 

The infamous decision that made TD change qualification criteria when there is a claim for NEB
What is Galdamez v. Allstate
DCs and ADRs are required to agree on an initial  Litpro Strategy with how many days from assignment to DC
What is 7 days 
From the date a Notice of Dispute between Insurer's is sent to the other Insurer(s), the Insurer must pursue Arbitration within 
What is 1 year
In 2006, this country known for it's great cuisine and on top of the world fashion won the World Cup 
What is Italy 
S.40 of the SABS addresses

What is Minor Injury Guideline

 40. (1) This section applies to a person if,

 (a) the person sustains, as a result of an accident, a minor injury to which the Minor Injury Guideline applies; and

 (b) the person submits or intends to submit an application under section 32 for medical or rehabilitation benefits. O. Reg. 34/10, s. 40 (1).


The appeal decision that concluded that an Insurer is not bound by the 90 days if we failed to send notice to the claimant. 

What is the Dominion of Canada v. Unifund 2018 ONCA 303

When a matter/dispute has issues in dispute that exceed an exposure of $150,000 and a hearing date has been set, the dispute is to be presented before this committee 
What is NTAC
Loss Transfer disputes can only seek indemnification for requests that have made less than _________ years ago 
What is two years 

A porch adjoining a building, overlooking a garden or ocean.

What is a Terrace 
The section of the SABS referenced and enforced to suspend or stop a benefit when a claimant continues to be entitled and receive payment for a specified benefit, but does not continue to treat? 

What is S.57

57. (1) This section applies to an insured person if compliance with subsection (2) would not be detrimental to his or her treatment or recovery. O. Reg. 34/10, s. 57 (1).

 (2) An insured person who is entitled to an income replacement, non-earner or caregiver benefit shall obtain such treatment and participate in such rehabilitation as is reasonable, available and necessary to,

 (a) permit the insured person to engage in employment or self-employment in accordance with the criteria set out in subsection (3), in the case of an insured person entitled to an income replacement benefit; or

 (b) shorten the period during which the benefit is payable, in any other case. O. Reg. 34/10, s. 57 

In K.G v. TD Insurance Adjudicator Ferguson made a determination allowing a CAT dispute to proceed without ...

 What are benefits in dispute (such as AC and M/R) 


Within _________ days counsel is to prepare a hearing plan and include an updated expense estimate .

Within 2 weeks of receiving Plan – ADR confirms final strategy with counsel and documents Tymetrix  

What is 45 days 

For an insured to be considered principally dependent on another person, their income from all sources must be less than this percentage

What is less than 51%

This number, one of the first 20, uses only one vowel (4 times!).

What is Seventeen
Changes to the SABS as of June 1, 2016 for MVAs on or after June 1, 2016 and policies that have renewed on or after June 1, 2016. 
What are

1) NEB - 4 week deductible instead of 26 weeks 

2) NEB max. entitlement for 2 years

3) M/R & AC combined policy limit of $65,000

4) M/R maximum 5 years or age 28 

5) CAT $1,000,000 M/R & AC combined


The Abyabn v Sovereign General Insurance Company decision involving the minor injury and the conclusions made by Arbitrator Drory that MIG violates section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom has influenced these ongoing challenges 

What is a Constitutional challenge 
A Pre Case Conference discussion with DC and the ADR is to take place ____ days prior to the case conference date. 
What is 7 days or 1 week 
The onus to evidencing priority is on which party involved in a Priority Dispute
Who is the insurer that initiated the dispute 

A system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior.

What are Laws