A man that tends the Sylvan Gardens and spends his free time talking to squirrels.
Who is Jilwocky Niftywoop?
This party member can learn new spells at incredibly fast rates, being able to add a 9th level spell within 20 mintues.
Who is Aya Glenmiir? (Wizardly Quill)
This town on the material plane is in a perpetual state of Autumn.
What is Autumnvale?
The first city featured in the adventure.
What is Skystead?
This race/ancestry has the fastest base movement speed.
What is centaur? (40ft)
While many mages are capable of it, this particular one excels at denying others the ability to cast spells around them.
Who is Zarthus?
This member of the party used to be a different class.
Who is The White Raven? (Converted after he was resurrected.)
This city is largely considered to be the center of the universe.
What is Sigil?
The first player character death(s) were to this antagonist.
Who is Marten Foss/Rythnax?
+1 weapons are considered this rarity.
What is uncommon?
A heart-strong leader looking to hire new adventurers for the Solargarde.
Who is Captain Theodas?
This member of the party is a quick learner across the board, being able to add at least half their proficiency bonus to any skill check.
Who is Darkassin Aranoros? (Jack of All Trades)
This place has yet to be seen, but has been alluded to by name, and is accordingly the head quarters of the Order of Eight.
What is the Radiant Citadel?
This event was when we first saw Azolin's first appearance after 160 2E.
The saving throw does a target make when a creature casts "Otto's Irresistible Dance" on it.
What is nothing? (A creature can make a Wisdom save as an action on their turn to end the effect.)
Despite their looks, one of the most powerful arcanists in the realm, harnessing a secret magic so powerful that it bends reality around them when unleased.
Who is Galsariad Ardeth?
This member of the party can speak in code.
Who is Essarae Syllen? (Thieves Cant)
This intersection in the realm of shadow is considered to be the most reliable way to the House of the Black Lantern.
What is Dead Man's Cross?
Each of the Syllen's current occupations, from oldest to youngest.
King's guard/General, Lord of House Syllen/Intelligence Ops, Apprentice Arcanist, Adventurer.
What a creature requires to avoid having disadvantage while attacking underwater.
What is a swimming speed?
A seer, and enjoyer of history, this elf is an adept practitioner of divination magic and uses it to continue their records.
Who is Agin Lammark?
The only member of the party to wear heavy armor.
Who is Sanitas Offertor?
DAILY DOUBLE: These two locations on the material plane are on different islands, but share a naming convention based on their relationship to the coast.
The party spent a fair amount of time in this location questioning the shopkeep how he gets the food he sells.
What is Fizbarns Market? (Gloomwrought)
What are Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation