How many Ad Accounts does @StitchFix have?
How many active funding sources does @Nationwide have?
How much money has @Q997Atlanta spent this year (2019)?
How many keywords did @Nordstrom target during their 2018 Holiday campaign?
What was the Total Audience Reach of @CocaCola’s Holiday campaign? (Ad Account ID = 18ce54ds8o0)
Total Audience Reach = 24,430,857
Is @Panera whitelisted for frequency capping? (i.e. REACH_FREQUENCY_CAP)
How is @hulu’s current February campaign pacing?
Approximately how much money does @Citibank have left to spend on their "Citi Sound Vault" funding source?
What is the top targeting tactic for @RockstarGames RDR2 Q1 Campaign?
Handle targeting
@CocaColaRacing (Ad Account ID = 18ce54guft6) sponsored NBC's NASCAR content (sometimes called "Amplify"). How many in-stream video ad completions did they achieve?
In-stream video ad completions = 11,239,839
Is @U2 listed as a promotable user under @BankofAmerica?
What was the total impression delivery for @QuickenLoans Rocket Mortgage campaign?
What is the top performing keyword (by ER) for @Sprite’s current CPE campaign? (Impressions must be greater than 500) (Ads Account ID = 18ce54ej0rk)
CD emoji
@MakersMark is currently promoting a website card linking to What is their current click through rate (CTR)?
Are CAMs allowed to whitelist their advertiser for MAP_V2_OBJECTIVE?
No - this is a restricted feature that requires internal approval.
How many campaigns has Planters set up for their upcoming 2019 Always On funding source under @MrPeanut?
Is @Toyota's Grammy's campaign hitting their daily budgets?
What was the top performing handle (by video view rate (VR)) for @GameofThrones Jimmy Kimmel campaign?
@Southwest is using Spark Media to run their current February Sale campaigns. How many tweets (i.e. ads) do they currently have running?
Is the GAP team allowed user access on @Amazon?
Yes - Drew, Zulaikha and Yvonne are all whitelisted as Account Users.
Which objective did @Chrysler spend the most on in 2018?
Answer: Website Clicks & Conversions
What is the discrepancy between @ChampionUSA's Brand Activation funding source budget and campaign budget?
Funding Source = $350,000
Campaign Budget = $120,000
@DriveMaven is currently running a "Car Sharing" MAP campaign. Approximately how many installs has Twitter driven?
@GenesisUSA is running a Canvas In-Market campaign running on website clicks/conversions objective. How many key conversions has their top spending campaign achieved?