Goals of mindfulness
What is reducing suffering, increasing happiness, increasing control of your mind, experiencing reality as it is.
Goals of Distress Tolerance
What is surviving crisis situations without making them worse, accepting reality as it is, and becoming free.
What is getting active, don't avoid, build mastery, and increase pleasant activities.
True or False: If you are validating someone, you are agreeing with them or their behaviors.
What is False.
What does Dialectical mean
Dialectical = What is two opposing ideas that can be true at the same time.
The skills of mindfulness include three actions. Observe, Describe, and.....
What is participate?
What does Wise Mind ACCEPTS stand for?
What is activities, contributing, comparisons, emotions, pushing away, thoughts, and sensations.
Name one goal of emotion regulation
What is understanding and naming your own emotions, decrease the frequency of unwanted emotions, decrease emotional vulnerability, and decrease emotional suffering.
Use this skill when you are asking for something or saying no to a request.
This person developed DBT.
These are the Mindfulness "How" Skills
What is non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectiveness.
How to self-soothe
What is soothing the five senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch
These are the three major functions of emotions
What is motivate action, communicate to others, and communicate to ourselves.
FAST skill stands for
What is be fair, don't over-apologize, stick to your values, and remain truthful.
Sarah is struggling with impulsive behavior and the urge to engage in harmful actions. What DBT skill can she use to pause and make a more mindful and intentional choice.
What is STOP skills (Stop, take a step back, observe, and proceed mindfully.)
The inherent wisdom that each person has within themselves.
What is Wise Mind
Accepting things we cannot change despite feeling unhappy about.
What is Radical Acceptance.
Checking whether your emotional reactions fits the situation is called
What is check the facts.
This skill prioritizes relationship effectiveness.
What is GIVE skill.
DBT is explained by using the _____ theory.
What is Biosocial
What is solving the problem, feeling better about the problem, tolerating the problem, staying miserable, and make things worse.
TIPP stands for
What is tip the temperature, intensive exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, and paced breathing
What is describing the situation, check the facts, identify your goal, brainstorm lots of solutions, choose a solution that fits the goal, put the solution into action, and evaluate the results.
These things stop you from achieving your goals.
What is lack of skills, worry thoughts, myths about emotions, indecisive (unsure of what you really want), environmental factors.
Plan on doing one thing each day to build a sense of accomplishment, plan for success, gradually increase difficulty over time, and look for a challenge are components of what skill
What is Build Mastery