Mystery 1
Mystery 2
The most common form of family in Western societies; Consists only of parent(s) and child(ren).
What is nuclear family.
Another structural barrier to occupational development that involves denying a job or promotion to someone solely on the basis of age.
What is age discrimination.
Lack of a heartbeat and respiration.
What is clinical death.
The level women rise to within an organization but beyond which they may not go.
What is glass ceiling.
Relationships that become violent; one person becomes aggressive toward the partner.
What is an abusive relationship.
Occurs when a woman believes she cannot leave the abusive situation and may even go as far as to kill her abuser.
What is battered woman syndrome.
Sometimes the pace and pressure of the occupation becomes more than a person can bear. It is a depletion of a person’s energy and motivation, the loss of occupational idealism, and the feeling that one is being exploited.
What is job burnout.
Occurs when death is anticipated; This grief occurs prior to death and serves to buffer the impact of the loss when it does come and to facilitate recovery.
What is anticipatory grief.
An approach to assist dying people emphasizing pain management, or palliative care, and death with dignity.
What is hospice.
Couple has grown apart but continue to live together.
What is married singles.
Made of the three components of intimacy, liking, and commitment - the combination is used to describe this.
What is Sternberg's Triangular Model of Love
A situation in which what you learn in the classroom does not always transfer directly into the “real world” and does not represent all you need to know.
What is reality shock.
Cortical functioning ceases while brainstem activity continues; People do not recover from this state.
What is persistent vegetative state.
At what point in middle-adulthood does marriage begin to improve?
When children move out. Sorry. Your parents love you and all that, but you people are work. And you always need money. And food. And rides. And then more money.
The positive feeling that results from an appraisal of one’s work. It includes hope, resilience, optimism, and self-efficacy.
What is job satisfaction.
The three most important factors in determining whom we choose for relationships.
What are proximity, physical attractiveness, and similarity.
Name two main reasons why it may be difficult for people to retire.
What are money and loss of identity.
Physicians provide dying patients with a fatal dose of medication that the patient self-administers.
What is physician assisted suicide.
Focused on providing relief from pain and other symptoms of disease at any point during the disease process.
What is palliative care.
Provides emergency care for dependent children or adults so the employee does not need to lose a day of work; There is a growing need in the workplace.
What is back-up care.
Middle-aged adults caught between the competing demands of two generations: their parents and their children.
What is the sandwich generation.
The most common cause of arguments among dual-income couples is this.
What is division of labor for household chores.
Involves the deliberate ending of someone’s life; May be based on a clear statement of the person’s wishes or be a decision made by someone else who has the legal authority to do so.
What is active euthanasia.
Name three out of five of the Kubler-Ross Stages.
What are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, final acceptance.
The study of the interface between human values and technological advances in health and life sciences.
What is bioethics.