
nursing management for patients with constipation vs diarrhea

constipation: increase fluids, increase fiber, ambulation, assess medications causing constipation, stool softeners, bowel management program (go at same time each day)

diarrhea: assess for recent travel, medications, increase fluids, avoid caffeine/ETOH, monitor for dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, monitor for arrythmias, bowel training


what are signs and symptoms of a UTI?

urgency, nocturia, pain on urination, fever, cloudy/foul smelling urine, lower abdominal discomfort, N/V


what nursing interventions should be implemented after an ORIF surgery?

- neurovascular checks every hour

- increase calories, protein, and calcium to facilitate bone healing

- keep the dressing sterile

- monitor for orthostatic hypotension


what is the time window to give tPA (alteplase) after the initial onset of symptoms?

3-4.5 hours

cannot give if "woken up" with symptoms, onset unknown. contraindications: presence of active bleeding, get to CT STAT!!!


what medications are given for IBS diarrhea?

what medications are given for IBS constipation?

diarrhea: loperamide, psyllium, alosetron

constipation: lubiprostone, linaclotide


choose 3 foods a patient with celiac disease can eat.

- wheat bread

- apples

- chicken parmesan

- chocolate cake

- black beans

- certified gluten free oats

- apples

- black beans

- gluten free oats

avoid gluten!!

what are the signs and symptoms of chronic bacterial prostatis?

trick question, its asymptomatic. it is usually accidentally diagnosed

before a patient undergoes a gallium/thallium scan, what patient teaching should the nurse provide?

- assess for allergies to radioisotope

- have patient empty bladder to promote visualization of pelvic bones

- increase fluids postop for excretion of the radioisotope

- scans are repeated at 24, 48, and 72hrs


what type of seizure occurs when muscle tone is lost, resulting in falling and there is a period of confusion afterwards?

atonic or akinetic


what procedure stabilizes a bone early on, facilitates early ambulation and fracture healing, and decreases the risk of prolonged immobility complications?

open reduction internal fixation


what causes peritonitis? and what is its hallmark sign?

infection of the peritoneum from perforation of abdominal organs and spillage of contents. hallmark sign is rigid board like abdomen


flank pain, diaphoresis, tachycardia, and hematuria are signs related to what GU disorder?

urolithiasis (kidney stones)

in compartment syndrome, how long does it take for neuromuscular damage and tissue necrosis to occur?

4-6 hours


list the stages of classic migraine with aura

prodromal stage: awareness of findings for hours to days before onset (irritability, cravings)

aura stage: minutes to hour with neuro s/s (tingling, confusion, visual disturbances)

second stage: really bad stage for hours (N/V, vertigo)

third stage: dull headache for 4-72 hrs


differentiate the 3 different types of strokes

hemorrhaghic: from ruptured artery or aneurysm, has a poor prognosis from increased ICP

ischemic:from a blood clot on atherosclerotic plaque in cerebral artery, evolves over hours to days

embolic:caused by moving embolus traveling to cerebral artery (neuro deficits or instant los of consciousness)


identify at least 3 teaching interventions for a patient with UC or crohns disease.

- importance of taking vitamin supplements (B12, folic acid)

- regular colonoscopy screenings (increased risk of colon cancer)

- identifying foods that trigger exacerbations of UC

- monitoring F/E and signs of hypokalemia

- eat a high protein, low fiber diet to encourage healing


A patient has a CBI with an irrigation solution of 3000 mL per bag. During a nurse's shift, three empty irrigation bags were used, and the total drainage collected was 8,700 mL.

What is the patient's urine output for this shift?


300mL remains inside the patient, this warrants a call to the provider


when are fat embolisms most common?

following a hip fracture, 72hrs after pelvic fracture/surgery, 12-48hrs after long bone fractures, or joint arthroplasty


a patient who has just had a supratentorial craniotomy done for a meningioma should lay in what position?

head of bed elevated to 30 degrees and neck in neutral alignment


what is a safe level of prostate specific antigen? and what is a EPCA2 value that suggests prostate cancer

less than 4 is safe for PSA

a value above 30 is suggestive of prostate cancer


what frequent serious complication of gastric bypass surgery is a life-threatening emergency? s/s are increasing pain, restlessness, tachycardia, and oliguria

anastomotic leak


list at least 5 nursing interventions for patients with kidney/ureter stones?

- administer pain medications

- strain all urine

- monitor I&O

- encourage fluids (3L/day)

- hot baths

- encourage ambulation to promote passage of stone


what are some nursing interventions following a hip arthroplasty?

- monitor neurovascular status

- check dressing site frequently

- transfer out of bed from unaffected side

- use assistive and adaptive devices 

- use abduction pillow between legs


what are some potential complications of spinal cord tumors?

respiratory compromise if in the cervical area, urinary retention, incontinence, CSF leakage


list the diseases for patients with LLQ pain vs RLQ pain.

LLQ pain

- IBS, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis

RLQ pain

- appendicitis, crohns disease