Hematologic Disorders
Immune and Infectious Disease
Which of the following blood components is decreased in anemia?

a. Erythrocytes

b. Granulocytes

c. Leukocytes

d. Platelets
What is a. Erythrocytes
A client has passed a renal calculus. The nurse sends the specimen to the laboratory so it can be analyzed for which of the following factors?

a. Antibodies

b. Type of infection

c. Composition of calculus

d. Size and number of calculi
What is c. composition of calculus
A client with rheumatoid arthritis states, "I can't do my household chores without becoming tired. My knees hurt whenever I walk." Which nursing diagnosis would be most appropriate? 

a. Activity intolerance related to fatigue and pain. 

b. Self-care deficit related to increasing joint pain. 

c. Ineffective coping related to chronic pain. 

d. Disturbed body image related to fatigue and joint pain
What is a. Activity intolerance related to fatigue and pain.

A client comes to the outpatient clinic and tells the nurse that he has had legs pains that begin when he walks but cease when he stops walking. Which of the following conditions would the nurse assess for?

a. An acute obstruction in the vessels of the legs

b. Peripheral vascular problems in both legs

c. Diabetes

d. Calcium deficiency

What is b. peripheral vascular problems in both legs


A hospital nurse has experienced percutaneous exposure to an HIV-positive patient's blood as a result of a needlestick injury. The nurse has informed the supervisor and identified the client. What action should the nurse take next?

a. Flush the wound site with chlorhexidine.

b. Report to the emergency department or employee health department.

c. Apply a hydrocolloid dressing to the wound site.

d. Follow up with the nurse's primary provider

What is B.  Report to the emergency department or employee health department.

The nurse explains to the parents of a 1-year-old child admitted to the hospital in a sickle cell crisis that the local tissue damage the child has on admission is caused by which of the following?

a. Autoimmune reaction complicated by hypoxia

b. Lack of oxygen in the red blood cells

c. Obstruction to circulation

d. Elevated serum bilirubin concentration
What is c. Obstruction to circulation
The client with acute renal failure has a serum potassium level of 5.8 mEq/L. The nurse would plan which of the following as a priority action?

a. Allow an extra 500 ml of fluid intake to dilute the electrolyte concentration.

b. Encourage increased vegetables in the diet

c. Place the client on a cardiac monitor

d. Check the sodium level
What is c. Place the client on a cardiac monitor
A nurse is evaluating the pin sites of a client in skeletal traction. The nurse is least concerned with 

a. inflammation

b. serous drainage

c. pain at pin site

d. purulent drainage
What is b. serous drainage

Mike, a 43-year old construction worker, has a history of hypertension. He smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, is nervous about the possibility of being unemployed, and has difficulty coping with stress. His current concern is calf pain during minimal exercise that decreased with rest. The nurse assesses Mike’s symptoms as being associated with peripheral arterial occlusive disease. The nursing diagnosis is:

a. Alteration in tissue perfusion related to compromised circulation

b. Dysfunctional use of extremities related to muscle spasms

c. Impaired mobility related to stress associated with pain

d. Impairment in muscle use associated with pain on exertion

What is a. Alteration in tissue perfusion related to compromised circulation

The blood test first used to identify a response to HIV infection is:

a. Western blot

b. ELISA test

c. CD4+ T-cell count

d. CBC
What is b. ELISA test
Which of the following is considered a normal hemoglobin range?

a. 4-6g/dL

b. 6-8g/dL

c. 8-10g/dL

d. 12-14g/dL
What is d. 12-14g/dL

Assessing the laboratory findings, which result would the nurse most likely expect to find in a client with chronic kidney disease?

A. BUN 30 mg/dl, potassium 4.0 mEq/L, decreased GFR, creatinine 2.3 mg/dl

B. Serum creatinine 0.8 mg/dL,  potassium 5.8 mEq/L

C. BUN 15 mg/dl, increased serum calcium, creatinine l.0 mg/dl

D. BUN 20 mg/dl, potassium 3.5 mEq/L, pH 7.35, increased GFR

What is A. BUN 10 to 30 mg/dl, potassium 4.0 mEq/L, decreased GFR, creatinine 2.3 mg/dl

A client has sustained a closed fracture and has just had a cast applied to the affected arm. The client is complaining of intense pain. The nurse has elevated the limb, applied an ice bag, and administered an analgesic, which has provided very little pain relief. The nurse interprets that this pain may be caused by:

a. infection under the cast

b. the anxiety of the client

c. impaired tissue perfusion

d. the newness of the fracture
What is c. impaired tissue perfusion

A client with a history of atrial fibrillation has contacted the clinic saying that she has accidentally overdosed on her prescribed warfarin. The nurse should recognize the possible need for what antidote?


b. Factor X

c. Vitamin K

d. Factor VIII

What is c. Vitamin K


Effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy is determined by:

a. a fall in the plasma viral load and an increase in the CD4 count.

b. a rise in red blood cell count and hemoglobin level.

c. a rise in plasma HIV antibodies level.

d. a reduction in opportunistic infections.

What is a. a fall in the plasma viral load and an increase in the CD4 count

Anemia or insufficient hemoglobin content is common in older persons. The client's body compensates for the deficiency by:

a. Decreasing the respiratory and heart rates.

b. Increasing the heart and respiratory rates.

c. Shunting blood away from vital organs and skin.

d. Decreasing blood viscosity in order to supply oxygen to hypoxic tissues.
What is b. increasing heart and respiratory rates
A client had a transurethral prostatectomy for benign prostatic hypertrophy. He’s currently being treated with a continuous bladder irrigation and is complaining of an increase in severity of bladder spasms. Which of the interventions should be done first?

a. Administer an oral analgesic

b. Stop the irrigation and call the physician

c. Administer a belladonna and opium suppository as ordered by the physician.

d. Check for the presence of clots, and make sure the catheter is draining properly.
What is d. Check for the presence of clots, and make sure the catheter is draining properly.

An older adult client has symptoms of osteoporosis and is being assessed during her annual physical examination. The assessment shows that the client will require further testing related to a possible exacerbation of her osteoporosis. The nurse should anticipate what diagnostic test?

a. Bone densitometry

b. Hip Bone Radiography

c. Computed tomography (CT Scan)

d. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

What is A. Bone densitometry


The nurse is caring for a client who is admitted to the medical unit for the treatment of a venous ulcer in the area of her lateral malleolus that has been unresponsive to treatment. What is the nurse most likely to find during an assessment of this client's wound?

a. Hemorrhage

b. Pale colored wound bed

c. Heavy exudate

d. Deep wound bed

What is c. Heavy exudate


To prevent the spread of HIV, the nurse should know that transmission is through body fluids such as:

A. breast milk

B. Lacrimal tears

C. Sweat


What is A. Breast milk

What is the best lab to test for anemia?

a. Hematocrit

b. RBC Indices

c. Hemoglobin

d. Platelet Count
What is c. hemoglobin
The nurse is taking the history of a client who has had benign prostatic hyperplasia in the past. To determine whether the client currently is experiencing difficulty, the nurse asks the client about the presence of which of the following early symptoms?

a. Urge incontinence

b. Nocturia

c. Increased force in the stream of urine

d. Urinary retention
What is b. nocturia

The nurse is helping to set up Buck's traction on an orthopedic client. How often should the nurse assess circulation to the affected leg?

a. Within 30 minutes, then every 1 to 2 hours

b. Within 30 minutes, then every 4 hours

c. Within 30 minutes, then every 8 hours

d. Within 30 minutes, then every shift

What is A. Within 30 minutes, then every 1 to 2 hours


A nurse is providing discharge information to a patient with peripheral vascular disease. Which of the following information should be included in instructions?

a. Walk barefoot whenever possible.

b. Use a heating pad to keep feet warm.

c. Avoid crossing the legs.

d. Use antibacterial ointment to treat skin lesions at risk of infection.

What is c. avoid crossing legs


What is the value of CD4+ T cells/uL that indicates a person has AIDS?

a. greater than 600cells/uL

b. 500-600cells/uL

c. 300-400cells/uL

d. less than 200cells/uL

What is d. less than 200cells/uL