Social Skills
Money skills

What do you get weekly or monthly when you work at a job?



What kind of attitude is  "I can't do this. It's too hard. I quit!"

Bad Attitude/Negative Attitude


Which costs more, a computer or a car?

a car


How much is 3 nickels, 2 dimes and a penny?

.36 cents


How many noses does a slug have?



Name one roommate skill.

Cleaning up dishes/pots and pans after eating, vacuuming common areas, remember to lock the door when leaving, respect others space


What kind of attitude is ,"this is challenging but I will keep trying until I get it right."

Good Attitude/ Positive Attitude


If you have $50 and you have to pay a bill for $40, how much money do you have available to use for recreation?



If Logan had $10 and he bought a Pokemon book for $7, how much money does he have left?



What is the fastest land animal?

The Cheetah, they have set record speeds near 70MPH


Name one BAD roommate skill

Eat their left over food, drink their drinks, leave dirty dishes in sink, not help clean common areas


Is Failure an opportunity to: A) Grow and Learn or B)Give up

A) Grow and Learn


Why do customers compare items at the supermarket?

To find the cheaper item or better deal


You want to go to the Movies,

You got paid $45.00 last week.

You have to pay a $25.00 Cell phone Bill.

Would you have enough money to go to the movies this week?

You would have $20.00 left. You probably would have enough money to go to the movies, IF you have no other expenses. 


On a common ladybug, what color are its spots?



What is the paper called that you give to a potential employer when you have an interview?

a resume


You are doing a job quickly and finish it before your coworker. Your co-worker is not quite as fast, and gets a little frustrated. The best thing to do is Tell them that you are great at this job, and they should work faster.

Everyone is good at something, and the best thing to do is encourage, NOT discourage. 


Why is important to have a budget?

To have enough money to pay your bills, food, recreational activities and your savings.


You got your paycheck this month : $200.00

 You have to pay your rent, Cost is

 $150.00 per Month

You want to go to 6-Flags for the weekend: 

Cost is $150.00 

Which one SHOULD you do?

If you have a Bill (rent) you must budget for that first. If you put a little aside each month(budgeting) you can eventually afford to go out for a fun weekend. 


What do you call a group of Giraffes?

A tower


After you go on a job interview, what should you send to your potential employer?

A Thank You email or letter


When you go out to lunch with friends, the best idea is to play on your phones/devices, so that no one gets in an argument. True or False 

False. This creates a lack of communication, and it can also create conflict that one may not have a phone/device and they are left out. Communication is a life skill.


What is the money you pay to your landlord when you live in an apartment/rental property or room called?




You got paid yesterday, it was automatically deposited into your account.

 You are at the store, you go to the register to try and make your purchase, But your card says: "declined, insufficient funds"

Do you know what this means? AND what is your next step to do?

It means that the money may not have been deposited into your account. It can also mean that you have overspend your bank account, so you will need to look closely to every purchase and deposit. Some Automatic deposits takes up to 24 hours to show up in your account. You should look at your account daily or at the very least, every other day.


Which planet is closest to Earth
