Physical Activity
If you can talk but not sing, what type of activity are you doing?
What is moderate-intensity activity
Vitamin B12 is found only in _____________ products
What is animal.
Females are recommended to consume ____ grams of fiber per day? Males are recommended to consume ____ grams of fiber per day?
What is 25 and 38
What condition can progress into osteoporosis?
What is osteopenia.
The two types of iron that are absorbed into the body are _____ and ______.
What are heme and non-heme?
Studies have shown that exercising for a minimum of ____ minutes at a time is beneficial for your health
What is 10 minutes
Absorption of Vitamin B12 from foods requires intrinsic factor, pepsin, and _______.
What is stomach acidity.
A greater intake of _______ fiber promotes the development of microflora which stimulates the immune system that is formed in the lining of the gut?
What is fermentable
The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D is ____.
What is 600 IU a day.
One of the primary sources of heme iron is _____.
What is lean meat, poultry, or fish?
This type of physical activity involves all major muscle groups and adults should do it on 2 or more days per week
What is Muscle Strengthening
Vitamin B12 works with folate and choline to convert _______ to methionine. The conversion not only helps prevent heart disease but also converts folate to its active form. Without vitamin B12, folate remained inactive and lead to the development of folate deficiency.
What is homocysteine.
What type of fiber is characterized by the ability to form a gel solution when combined with liquid?
What is viscous
Men and women continue to develop bone mass until roughly ___ years of age.
What is 30
The recommended dietary allowance for iron for adults aged 19-50 years is ____ for women and ____ for men.
What is 18mg/day and 8mg/day?
What is the basic recommendation of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week?
What is 75 Minutes
The metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, and fatty acids produces energy that enables our body functions to perform. B12 is especially needed in order to complete ___________ metabolic pathway. When vitamin B12 is deficient, the abnormal of this particular fuel can accumulate in the blood and are incorporated into cell membrane including cell membranes in nervous system. The accumulation causes neurologic problems.
What is Fatty Acid.
What type of fibers are isolated or purified carbohydrates, that have been extracted from starchy food or manufactured from starches or sugars, and are found to have beneficial physiological effects in humans?
What is functional
Milk is high in calcium and enriched with _____, the most available form of this nutrient.
What is vitamin D3.
This vitamin increases the absorption of non-heme iron sources.
What is vitamin C?
This health awareness program encourage African American women 18 years and older to maintain a healthy weight by becoming more physically active and by eating nutritious foods
What is Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better
VItamin B12 status is dependent on vitamin B6 and folic acid. The elevated homocysteine could reflect a deficiency of dietary intake in one of any of these three nutrients. However, _____ is only found in vitamin B12 - specific pathway. Therefore, the elevation of this acid and homocysteine level will help to confirm vitamin B12 deficiency.
What is methylmalonic acid (MMA).
Viscous fiber such as that in oatmeal decreases the absorption of of cholesterol, increases fecal excretion of cholesterol-rich bile, and results in lower blood levels of total and ________?
What is LDL cholesterol
___ percent of the population has low blood 25 hydroxy (OH) vitamin D.
What is 50
Iron-deficiency anemia is associated with ____, which is the ingestion of non-food items.
What is pica?