What is budgeting?
Budgeting is a spending plan based on income and expenses.
What is EPAR?
Electronic Pathway Achievement Record
What are components of effective communication?
self awareness, self confidence, connection, navigating difficult situations, and sustainability
What is self care?
Taking care of yourself.
Can cleanliness of the environment effect your health?
How do you create a budget?
Determine your net income, track spending habits, set financial goals.
When are your milestones and progress reviewed?
Every 60 days during evaluations or ESP meetings.
What are the types of self awareness?
Public and Private
According to the healthy eating plate, what should half of your plate be?
Fruits and vegetables.
A clean home is...
a happy home
Name types of banking accounts
Savings, MMA, CD, Checking
How long can decision making effect you?
A long period of time or your whole life
What is the definition of connection?
To be or the feeling of being understood and valued by others.
What are some ways that someone may view spirituality?
Religion, Interconnectedness with others, meditation, grounding, etc.
What is a way you can organize your time?
Create a schedule
What are three types of insurance?
Dental, Heath, Home, Auto, etc.
What are some ways to stay relevant in the job market?
Follow media and attend seminars, apply new skills on the job, earn new certifications when possible, be open to new views and interests, etc
Failure is....?
What are some benefits of exercise?
Mood improvement, brain health, energy, strengthen body, and reducing risk of disease.
If you rent who is responsible for major repairs?
Landlord or property maintenance.
What is identity theft?
When someone uses another persons personal information without their permission.
What are the Career Success Standards?
Workplace Relationships and Ethics, communications, Personal Growth and Development, Interpersonal Skills, Information Management, Multicultural Awareness, Career and Personal Planning, Independent Living
What are ways that you can deal with disrespect?
Give the benefit of the doubt, Call them out, try not to take it personally, remain calm, speak up follow through with consequences, Intentionally misunderstanding, Cut them off
What are aspects of emotional self care?
accepting and allowing yourself to feel the way you do, learn triggers and how to deal with them, maintain boundaries, avoid negative people, ask for help when needed, Resting, doing something you love, etc
What are some home maintenance skills you can do on your own?
Unclog your drain, cleaning out the garbage disposal, cleaning out your washer or dryer, and replacing an air filter