What are three stores that you could get interview clothes at?
What is an interview?
Name 3 colleges in CA
Tell me 3 tasks a waitress may need to perform when working.
Take orders, make change, carry food etc.
What is the monthly payment you give a landlord called?
What is the 4 digit code you have to use a debit card called?
pin number
Give me an example of what an appropriate interview outfit the occupation you wish to have.
answers vary
Name 3 grocery stores I could shop at.
Tell me 3 skills you may need to become a construction worker.
Strong, Independent, Know tools, Safety etc.
Name 2 ways you can make sure you pay bills on time.
auto -pay, calendar, pay ahead etc.
What are ways you can figure out how long it will take you to get somewhere based on time of day and mode (walk, drive, train, etc) of getting there?
Give me an example of what an appropriate interview outfit for a boy would be.
What are 3 different occupations people may have at the grocery store
Stocker, bagger, cashier, manager ect.
Name 5 types of bills you may need to pay when you have your own place.
water, gas, electric, cable/internet, rent, garbage, phone, car etc.
What are 3 utilities needed in CA for housing?
electricity, gas, water, sewer, Internet, telephone, cable TV, security systems and, trash collection
What is the form that you should bring to interviews that shows all your job experience, education etc.?
How can you be involved in your community?
Volunteering, civic engagement, Jr Lifeguard
Name 2 companies that you could apply to become a bank teller.
Wells Fargo, Chase Bank, Fifth Third, Bank of Tampa, SunTrust, SunCoast, Bank Of America, etc.
Name 3 outside household tasks you would need to perform outside to maintain where you live.
mow the lawn, weeding, watering plants, raking, landscaping, gardening, etc.
List at least 3 "Public Transportation" options in California you can think of:
Who are the people you put on your resume that new employers can call to learn about your work history?
If you need to call 911, what are three important pieces of information to tell them?
Name 4 occupations where you would need to wear a uniform.
waste management, police officer, fireman, waitress, fast food worker, military, etc.
Name 5 different appliances you would find in a house.
washer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave, oven, toaster, refrigerator,