
I didn't get a seat because the train was ___

a) inconvenient b) uncomfortable c) crowded 



Complete with the past simple.

A: Where __________ (you/stay)?

B: We ________ (find) a hotel near the station.

A: Where did you stay?

B: We found a hotel near the station.


Explain these notices.

a) €8 each shirt. ONE DAY ONLY

b) Swimming Pool Open evenings Adults – £4.00 Children – £2.50.

c) Children under six eat free 2–5p.m.

d) Please leave bags at the desk.

e) Please be quiet in the exam room. 

f) Stop! Train crossing.

a) It’s cheaper to buy a shirt today.

b) Children can swim for £2.50.

c) You don’t have to pay for lunch for your five-year-old child in the afternoons.

d) You can’t take your bags with you.

e) You shouldn’t speak in here.

f) You have to stop here. 


Match sentences 1–6 with responses a)–f).

1 Can you tell me the way to the station? 

2 Let me open the jar for you.

3 What did you do last night?

4 Do you think I’d like this band?

5 Why don’t we go to the zoo?

6 Can you ask him to call me?

a) Nothing special. How about you?  b) Of course, sir. What’s your number?  c) No, I don’t think it’s your kind of music.  d) Yes, straight on and second left.  e) That doesn’t sound very interesting.  f) That’s very kind of you.

1)d   2)f   3)a   4)c   5)e   6)b


Read as fast as possible the tongue twister.

Thirty thousand thirsty thieves thundered through the thicket.

Тридцать тысяч жаждущих воров прогремели сквозь чащу.  

The groupmates decide.


Match problems 1-4 below with advice a)-d). 

1 You have got a headache/backache. 

2 You have caught a cold/flu. 

3 You have broken your arm/leg. 

4 You have a sore throat and a bad cough. You also have a high temperature. 

a) Take some medicine/antibiotics  b) Go to the hospital for an X-ray.   c) Get some rest, and drink lots of hot drinks.   d) Take some painkillers/pills. 

1-d  2-c  3-b  4-a


Sitting on the beach is _____ working.

a) relaxing than b) much better than c) more nice than. 



Tell at least 3 facts about the great impostor Ferdinand Waldo Demara

Look at the text in Lesson 35.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 

1 They work for a company that sells computers. They work for a company which ________ 

2 Jack only played tennis in the past but now he plays rugby. Jack didn't ________ rugby.

3 The car was too small for six people. The car wasn't big _____.

4 It was the most boring film I've ever seen. It was the least _____.

5 Mr Jones was the man who helped her get the job. The man that ____ . 

1) sells computers.  2) use to play  3) enough for six people  4)interesting film I've ever seen  5) helped her get the new job


Read the statements. Are the rules the same or different in your country? Do you think this is a good or a bad idea? Why?

1 In the UK, children have to learn a foreign language at school.

2 In the UK, you can take exams in art, cooking and sport at school.

3 Children in Thailand have to sing the national anthem in the morning.

4 In Singapore, children must learn most subjects (maths and science) in English.

5 In France, children don't have to wear uniforms to school

Your own grammatically and lexically correct answers.


Name at least 5 mammals.

cow, bear, dog, camel, sloth, etc.


Choose the correct alternatives. 

1 I'm going/I going to go shopping later. Do you want to come? 

2 My sister is/is going to having a party on Friday, but I don't know what to wear. 

3 He starting/'s going to start karate lessons in January. 

4 So, are you/are you going to staying with your parents for the weekend? 

5 I'm not coming/going to coming to the lesson this evening. 

1 I'm going   2 My sister is   3 He's going to    4 So, are you staying    5 I'm not coming


Ask your groupmate about his/her teacher at school using phrases with like on each type of answer.

Physical description

Likes / dislikes

Description of character

Health and well-being

What did she/he look like?

Did she/he like her/his work?

What was she/he like?

How was she/he?


Complete the conversation with the words below.

be back    can you    doesn’t work    find out   I can    I speak    

into it    money back   sorry about    the moment    You’ll have

A: Excuse me, could 1)______  to the manager?

B: I’m sorry but he’s not here at 2) ____ .

A: Well, 3) ______help me? I bought this camera here yesterday and it 4)_______ .

B: Oh dear. I’m really 5)_____ that. Did you put the right battery in it?

A: Of course I did! But the camera’s broken. I’d like my 6)____ .

B: I’m afraid there’s nothing 7)____ do at the moment. 8)______ to talk to the manager. He’ll look 9)_____ for you.

A: And when will he 10)_____ ?

B: I don’t know, sir. I’ll go and 11)_____.

1 I speak 2 the moment   3 can you
4 doesn’t work   5 sorry about
6 money back   7 I can   8 You’ll have
9 into it   10 be back   11 find out


Tell three things that used to be true about you ten years ago (e.g. appearance, home, work, studies, free time, personality, etc.).

Sentences with 'used to'


Describe these words.

1) to punish

2) lecture theatre

3) to borrow

4) window shopping

5) rainforest

Probable answers:

1)to make somebody suffer because they have broken the law or done something wrong 

2) a large room with rows of seats on a slope, where lectures are given 

3)  to take and use something that belongs to somebody else, and return it to them at a later time 

4) the activity of looking at the goods in shop windows, usually without intending to buy anything 

5) a thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain 


1.The children _____very well at the moment. 

a) aren't feeling b) don't feeling c) aren't feel

2.____ is good for you. 

b) The milk c) A milk a) Milk 

3. The sign says "No Parking', so you park here. 

a) have to b) don't have to c) can't 

1. a)  2. a)  3. c)


Imagine your child doesn't look well. What would you ask him/her? What advice could you give him/her?

Grammatically and lexically correct answers.


Choose the best response, a), b) or c).

1 A: Which animal is the largest in the world?
B: 1)___

a) Perhaps it’s running the fastest?   b) Actually, no it can’t be.   c) It might be the blue whale.

2 A: Can I help you?
B: No, thanks. 2)__

a) I look for a coat.   b) I’m just looking.   c) Can I have a look?

3 A: Does the shirt fit OK?
B: Yes, it’s fine. 3)___

a) I’ll take it.   b) I’m sorry.   c) Here’s your receipt.

4 A: Where’s the bookshop, please?
B: 4)___

a) I think you have to go to the welfare office.   b) It’s next to the welfare office.   c) It opens at 10.

5 A: You want the lecture theatre? I’ll take you there.
B: 5)___

a) Follow me. Thank you.   b) Yes, that’s right.   c) Thank you. That’s very kind.

6 A: What’s the world’s largest lake?
B: The largest lake? 6)___

a) It might be.   b) Mmm. Let me think.   c) Maybe it’s in Russia.

1)c   2)b   3)a   4)b   5)c   6)b


Complete the sentences with words beginning with the letters M-Z

M: I got up late and I m______ my train.

N: The children in the next room are too n_____ - I  can't work.

O: Do you go by car or o_______ foot?

P: Cars are more p_____ than bikes. Bikes are greener.

Q: Q______! The baby's sleeping.

R: Can you r______a good DVD?

S: The map says that Via Lagrange is a pedestrian s_____.

T: I was late because the t_____ was bad.

U: Alan's shoes are too small, so they're very u______.

V: She was born in a small v______in Belgium.

W: The traffic is w_______ at five o'clock than at three o'clock.

X: The opposite of cheap is ex______.

Y: Hi, Liz. It's Jon. I waited for y___ for two hours! What happened?

Z: My holiday was great. We saw the Great Wall. It was amaz____ !

M:missed  N:noisy  O:on  P:polluting  Q:quiet  R:recommend   S:street  T:traffic   U:uncomfortable   V:village   W:worse   X:(e) xpensive   Y:you    Z:(ama)zing 


Complete the sentences with words beginning with the letters A-Z. 

A: I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't hear my a______ clock 

B: My grandfather had a moustache and a big black b______. 

C: The tram stop is close to my flat, so it's very c_____ for me. 

D: Riding a bike is quite d_____ you have to wear a helmet.

E: The opposite of full is e______

F: The White House is one of the most f________ buildings in the world.

G: I want to see the Eiffel Tower Where do I g___ off the bus? 

H: Frankenstein was one of the first h_____ films. It was quite scary. 

I: The opposite of boring is i_______.

J: Fast food is sometimes called j______food 

K: Do you k_____ the way to the bus station? 

L: The water in the l_____ is very cold. We can't swim there 

A:alarm   B:beard   C:convenient   D:dangerous   E:empty   F:famous   G:get    H:horror   I:interesting   J:junk   K:know   L:lake


Finish the sentences using the passive voice.

1 The television was 

2 The American Constitution 

3 Penicillin was discovered 

4 The first aeroplanes 

5 The Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower were 

Probable answers:

1) invented by John Logie Baird.  2) was written in 1787.   3) by Jan Flemming   4) were built by the Wright brothers.   5) built by Frenc architects.


Tell us about a holiday you enjoyed the most. When/Where/Who did you go with/...

Your grammatically and lexically correct sentences.


Complete the conversations. Use one word in each gap.

Conversation 1

A: Let’s 1)___ something different this weekend. 2)___ don’t we go away somewhere?

B: I don’t really feel 3)____ doing that.

A: OK. Well, how 4)___ going out for a meal?

B: That 5)____ like a good idea. Let’s do that.

Conversation 2

A: Hello. 6)___  is Matt Paton. Is Simon there?

B: Let me 7)____ . No, I’m afraid he’s in a meeting.

A: 8)___  you ask him to call me?

B: Certainly. Does he have your 9)___  ?

A: Yes, he does. Thanks.

1)do   2)Why   3)like   4)about   5) sounds   6)This   7)check    8)Could/Can   9)number


Make a speech for 1,5 minutes on the statement below.

'People won't eat animals in the future.'

Your own grammatically and lexically correct speech.