Unit 9
Unit 10

1. Where can I ______(get/ my hair/ dye)?

2. Poor Tommy! He must feel terrible. He ______ (have/ five teeth/ take out) this past week.  

1. get my hair dyed

2. had 5 teeth taken out


Complete with during, since, or for:

1. Will Smith movies became very popular ______ the late 1990s.

2. I have been here _____ months trying to explain you basi things!

3. He has lived in the same old city_____ he became famous.

1. during

2. for

3. since


Elliot didn’t know what to write about, but he finally ______________ a wonderful idea.

a.came up with

b.looked forward to

c.took care of

I can’t believe Emir ______________ Aisha this morning. Everyone thought they were going to be together forever.

a.broke up with

b.kept up with

c.came up with

1. a

2. b


Complete with one of the following phrasal verbs. Conjugate if necessary:

look up to, get over with, look out of

1. He hoped he could _________ the exam cheating, but he was caught red-handed.

2. Growing up, he always ________ his older brother as a role model.

3. The teacher reminded the students to _____________ any potential dangers during their field trip.

1. get away with

2. looked up to

3. look out of


Here you have some functions. Tell what future they belong to: future will, future continuous or future perfect

1. To predict actions that will be completed by a certain time.

2. to predict future events or situations.

3. to predict ongoing actions in the future.

1. future perfect

2. future will

3. future continuous


Unscrable the fads and trends

1. opsg

2. cisdco

3. arbelsm

4. vhoerborda

1. pogs

2. disco

3. marbles

4. hoverboard


Put the sentences in order.

1. least. To avoid  it to meditate is a good idea  stress every for 10 minutes night  at 

2. overcome depression  One option to is  time a week to go to therapy one.

3. you Why chamomille you stomachache try  tea for that don't horrible  that  have?

1. To avoid stress it is a good idea to meditate every night for 10 minutes at least.

2. One option to overcome depression is to go to therapy one time a week.

3. Why don't you try chamomille tea for that horrible stomachache that you have?


Conjugate the verb in past participle.

1. think

2. teach

3. catch

4. choose

5. ride

6. rise

1. thought

2. taught

3. caught

4. chosen

5. ridden

6. risen


Complete with a word from unit 10

1. One of the greatest scientific ______________ of all time is for sure the discovery of Artificial Intelligence, which allows machines to learn and process information pretty much the way humans do.

2. The French ______________, which began in 1787 and ended in 1799, was the time when those people who were not part of the nobility in France sought to change the way they were ruled. 

3. What do you think the most important ______________ was? Gravity by Sir Isaac Newton or DNA by Watson and Crick?

1. achievement

2. Revolution

3. discovery


1. Alice didn’t have time to paint her nails last night, so today she _________ (have /do) at the beauty salon next to her building.

2. If my dog has puppies, I won’t be able to keep them. For that reason, I _______(get / neuter) this Saturday.  

3. I am getting someone______ (repair) my useless oven again.

4. Where can I have someone_____ (fix) my car ?

1. had them done

2. am getting him neutered

3. to repair

4. fix


Correct the following mistakes concerning futures

1. Within 2050 we will have eliminated poverty in the majority of LATAM countries.

2. By the next five years, we will have used most of the sweet water on the planet.

3. We will be travel by smart cars very soon.

4. Will have you prepared lunch already when we arrive ? 

1. Within the next 26 years.

2. By 2029

3. traveling

4.Will you have prepared...


Write the correct word from vocabulary unit 10, according to definitions.

1. _________A result gained by effort; accomplishment; something successfully completed or attained through skill, hard work, or perseverance.

2. _________The act of deliberately killing someone, especially a prominent figure, often for political or ideological reasons. 

3.__________The process of choosing a person or group of people for a position by voting; typically refers to political elections where citizens vote to select public officials or decide on important issues. 

4. __________ The widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time, typically affecting a large number of people more than expected; an outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly and affects many individuals within a population. 

5._________ A sudden, dramatic, and often violent change, especially in the way a government is run or in a society's social structure; a fundamental and far-reaching change in the way of thinking or behaving. 

6._________ An act of violence or intimidation intended to instill fear and achieve a political, religious, or ideological goal; typically carried out by individuals or groups labeled as terrorists. These acts often target civilians and are intended to influence the policies or actions of governments or societies through fear and coercion. 

1. Achievement

2. Assassination 

3. Election 

4. Epidemic 

5. Revolution

6. Terrorist act 


Correct the following sentences

1. I will have someone to decorate my Christmas tree for me.

2. I am getting someone repair my sink before the guests come!

3. I am having my fridge fix before my husband arrives home.

4. I'd love to get my nails to be done before the big party.

5. I won't get someone cook for my family. I'll do it myself!

1. ...someone decorate

2. to repair

3. fixed

4....nails done

5. to cook


Complete with either future continuous, future simple or future perfect.

By 2025 I______ (graduated) from college and I _____ (start) working in a very important hospital. By 2050, I ______ (working) with famous doctors around the world, because I ________ (live) the best moment of my career. I just hope that by the time I die, I_______ (achieve) everything that now seems like a dream.

I will be graduated

will start

will be working

will be living

will have achieved


Order the following words to create sentences:

1. children You  care of your  should in take  dangerous Ecuador countries like .

2. people I can't with crawl for disturbing who attention by  the place put up.

1. You should take care of your children in dangerous countries like Ecuador.

2. I can't put up with people who crawl for attention by disturbing the place.