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Behavioral Voice Therapy
Ask Me Anything!

What are the muscles that allow for adduction of the vocal folds? What innervates those muscles?

What are the LCA, transverse and oblique interarytenoids, TA? What is CN X?


What is an organic pathology that lowers fundamental frequency?

What is...granuloma, cyst, leukoplakia, hyperkeratosis, etc.


What is an intervention that an ENT may provide for someone with presbyphonia? What is a rehabilitation program we can offer for that same patient in concert?

What is injection augmentation with collagen, Kaha, fat, etc.

What is Phorte?


What is a behavioral therapy technique that can help a patient with MTD?

What is relaxation breathing, circumlaryngeal massage, yawn sigh, etc.


What is the main difference between a voice teacher/coach vs. a SLP?

What is habilitation vs. rehabilitation? What is increasing performance capability of the voice vs. removing phonotraumatic behaviors/eliminating pathology/providing the healthiest mechanism to be used as desired?


What is inspiratory checking and how does it aid speech breathing?

What is contraction of the external internal costals during passive elastic recoil to slow the collapse of the lungs during speech?


A patient exhibits respiratory stridor. What is a possible voice disorder they have? 

What is subglottic stenosis, recurrent papilloma, PVFD, laryngomalacia?

What are some strategies that you can implement in elementary school classrooms to reduce the incidence of voice disorders?

What is a mic for the teacher? What is general education on appropriate volume levels based on activity? What is vocal hygiene education? What is setting an intention, relaxation breathing, etc.?


What is a behavioral voice therapy technique you could recommend for someone with reduced loudness?

What is maximum performance therapy, LSVT, SPEAK OUT!, SpeechVive, etc.


What is the primary muscle that controls abduction of the vocal folds, and thus, breathing?

What is the posterior cricoarytenoid?


What is a difference between a pediatric larynx and an adult larynx?

What is...the pediatric thyroid is more obtuse, position of the larynx is higher in the next, velum touches the epiglottis, VFs are shorter, and so much more...


What is the primary treatment for a patient with ADductor SD?

What is botox? Also, what is behavioral voice therapy to optimize voice function/remove compensations?


What is an option for alaryngeal speech?

What is electrolarynx, TEP, esophageal speech, Ultravoice?


What are some hygienic voice therapy recommendations?

What is increased water, no smoking, humidification, diet considerations, caffeine considerations, drug interactions, etc.?


What are some options for the management of GERD?

What is reduced acid intake and diet modifications, reduced caffeine, reduced alcohol, GI for PPI rx? Upright after meals too, alternating solids and liquids, increased water intake...


Describe the difference between passive and active expiration.

What is passive expiration relies on elastic recoil while active expiration occurs below FRC and involves activation of the rectus abdominus, tranverse abdominus, and external/internal obliques?


Provide an example of a functional voice disorder and how you would treat it?

What are...some many! Ex: vocal nodules with tx of VFE or RVT.


When working with a GAVT client, what are some questions to ask the patient during the evaluation?

What is "Tell me what brought you here today?" "What can I help you with?" "How would you like me to refer to you?" "What are your goals?" "Are there any voice models that you would like to emulate?" "How can I best help you?" "Please forgive me when I make a mistake - I will make them, but ask that you let me know."


Provide an example of some symptomatic voice therapy approaches?

What is chanting, yawn-sigh, pitch glides, chewing, delayed auditory feedback, auditory biofeedback, amplification, etc.?


What are voice therapy exercises that may help a patient with dysphonia S/P radiation?

What is vocal hygiene, SOVT, RVT, EMST, symptomatic voice therapy to reduce MTD?


What is the first step in the myoelastic aerodynamic theory?

What is adduction of the vocal folds?


What is the most common voice disorder that pediatric patients present with?

What are vocal nodules?


For a professional voice user, how would you explain the concept of vocal budgeting and vocal load?

What is learning to manage the way you vocalize through the day and the amount of time you do that? Understanding the expectations for a person's day and maximizing the effectiveness.


What is the objective in chanting, RVT and focus therapy? This is abstract but provides good discussion.

These therapies change where the sound is coming from, reducing the strain at the level of the larynx. Think spastic or hyperkinetic dysarthria. Changing the resonance gives the patient context for where they should feel the sound.


What is an example of phonosurgery?

What is microlaryngoscopy, microdebriding, microflap disection, laser surgery, etc.?