Adjective Clauses
Transition Words
If statements
Writing Process

Insert the missing word: 

_________I didn't sleep well last night, I'm very tired today. 

What is  Since or Because


Fill in the missing word. 

The dog ______bit me belongs to my neighbor.

What is that or which


Insert the missing word: 

I didn't sleep well last night. ____________, I am quite tired.

What is:  As a result or Therefore


Make this sentence into a fact statement using IF.

It rains in the summer.

It is very unusual.

Any of these: 

It is very unusual if it rains in the summer

In the summer it is very unusual if it rains.

If it rains in the summer, it is very unusual. 


The first paragraph in an essay 

What is the Introduction


Insert the missing word:

___________I am very tired today, I have to go to work.

What is Although or Even Though or Though

Fill in the missing word. 

My son, _______just turned 18, is graduating from high school. 

What is "who"? 


Insert the missing word:  I am very tired today; _________, I have to go to work.

What is however or any other contrast transition word 


Convert these sentences into one  future fact If Statement.

It is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit outside

It snows. 

It will snow if it is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit

If it is 32 degrees Fahrenheit outside, it will snow. 


Sentence that tells you what a paragraph is about

What is a topic sentence? 


Insert the appropriate  subordinating conjunction.

_________I am tired, I stay at home. 

What is when or if


Convert these two sentences into one sentence using an adjective clause.

The school is located in Mountain View. 

The school has many ESL classes. 

The school, which is located in Mtn. View, has many ESL classes. 


Insert a word other than however. 

I usually go to work when I am tired. __________, my brother never goes to work when he is tired.

What is "in contrast, on the other hand or any other appropriate contrast transition word. 


Convert these sentences to an unreal conditional present/future If Statement: 

I will be rich

I want to become an engineer. 

If I became an engineer, I would be rich. 

I would be rich if I became an engineer. 

If were an engineer, I would be rich. 


This is what writers use to get the reader's attention

What is the Hook? 


Insert the appropriate subordinating conjunction: 

___________I am working, I don't like to eat. 

What is "when" or "if" or "while"


Combine into one sentence using and adjective clause:

I am going back to my home country for a vacation. 

My home country is Japan. 


What is:

I'm going back to my home country, which is Japan, for a vacation. 

I'm going back to Japan, which is my home country, for a vacation. 


Word to show that you are providing a final summary or conclusion.

What is any of the following words:  "in conclusion, to summarize, finally, lastly, To sum up, etc.


Convert these statements to an unreal conditional (past) If Statement. 

I wanted to be an engineer but I'm not. 

I wanted to be rich but I'm not. 

If I had been an engineer, I would have been rich. 

I would have been rich if I had been an engineer. 


No matter which type of transportation choose, you will likely enjoy your vacation once you get there. 

What is a concluding statement?

Combine into one sentence using a conjunction. 

I am very tired. 

I'm going to go to sleep. 

I'm very tired so I'm going to go to sleep. 


Combine into one sentence using and adjective clause

The town I grew up in has 200 people.

The town is located in the Midwest.

What is:
The town where I grew up has 200 people and is located in the Midwest. 

The town which I grew up in has 200 people and is located in the Midwest.

The town I grew up in, which has 200 people, is located in the Midwest.

The town I grew up, which is located in the Midwest, has 200 people.


Insert the appropriate transition word: 

I think that videogames are a great way to relax. _________,you can learn from them and meet other people online.

What is "Furthermore or In addition or additionally" or another transition word to add more information. 


Convert these sentences to an unreal conditional If Statement (past):

I didn't study English when I was a child.

I'm not fluent in English. 

If I had studied English as a child, I would have been fluent in English. 

I would have been fluent in English if I had studied English as a child. 


The sentence in an essay which tells the reader what the essay will be about. 

What is a thesis statement?