Grammar 1
Grammar 2
Vocabulary 1
Grammar 3
Syntax corrector

What kind of function does this show?

Tickets will be bought in a short time

Predictions for the future


What is a determiner?

Determiners are words that come before nouns and specify something about their quantity, definiteness, or ownership. 


What is a compound noun?

Two nouns together to form a compound noun with a new meaning.


What are the expressions of quantity?

Words used to express an amount or number of something in a sentence. They are not exact amounts. 

Correct the mistake:

Count how questions you answered correctly.

Count how many questions you answered correctly.


What two structures show plans and arrangements?

Going to and Present Continuous 


Transform the word ART to complete the next sentence:

Last weekend while walking on the street we saw an amazing ____ creating some incredible ____. This ____ display demonstrated such great ____ skills.

Last weekend while walking on the street we saw an amazing artist creating some incredible artwork. This artistic display demonstrated such great arty skills.


Complete in 30 seconds the next combinations. Collect a total of 8 words

foot        air     snow      rise       rail      head     port     foot      master        sweat      way     shirt      sun      ball       fall      print

footprint / airport / sunrise / railway / headmaster / sweatshirt / football / snowfall / 


A: Will you be in the office tomorrow?
B: I’ll be travelling / have travelled all day, but you can call me on my mobile.

A: Will you be in the office tomorrow?
B: I’ll be travelling all day, but you can call me on my mobile.


Correct the mistake:

A lot new mobile technology comes out every week.

A lot of new mobile technology comes out every week.


What do you express with the FUTURE PERFECT?

Actions that are expected to be completed at a specific time in the future. 


Complete the phrase with a determiner

I  had never had ____ pets until I became 20.



recycled, reused, related to avoiding pollution


A: Will you be seeing / have seen Patricia this afternoon?
B: No, sorry. I won’t be going / have gone to the sports centre this afternoon.

A: Will you be seeing Patricia this afternoon?
B: No, sorry. I won’t be going to the sports centre this afternoon.


Correct the mistake:

There are only a possibilities left to us. Which should we choose?

There are only a possibilities left to us. Which should we choose?


When you __________ (to get) off the train, I __________ (to wait) for you by the ticket machine.

When you get off the train, I will be waiting for you by the ticket machine.


Create 3 sentences using the words 




... write them down


What does LABOUR-SAVING mean?



Correct the mistake

I’ve got any blank discs. I’ll give you them.

I’ve got no blank discs. I’ll give you them.

Correct the mistake:

A: Do you like her new album? 

B: I like lot of the songs but not all of them.

A: Do you like her new album? 

B: I like a lot of the songs but not all of them.


Do you think the teacher __________ (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?

Do you think the teacher will have marked our homework by Monday morning?


Categorize the next words in the correct place:

each, any, no, both, all, some, the whole, neither, most, certain, either

+ singular nouns

+ plural nouns

+ singular, plural nouns or uncountable nouns

+ a plural or uncountable noun

+ singular nouns: each, every, the whole, either, neither

+ plural nouns: all, both, most

+ singular, plural nouns or uncountable nouns: any, no

+ a plural or uncountable noun: all, certain, some


Create 10 different separable o inseparable compound nouns

... Write down


Correct the mistakes:

No, there are none lessons today.

Some of people prefer this kind of mouse.

Do no of these machines work properly?

No, there are no lessons today.

Some people prefer this kind of mouse.

Do none of these machines work properly?


Choose the correct word for each sentence

too many / a lot of

___________ people take courses throughout their lives to improve their qualifications.

___________ people are looking for the same job as me. It’s really annoying!

A lot of people people take courses throughout their lives to improve their qualifications.

Too many people are looking for the same job as me. It’s really annoying!