´When the same student gets home, he sees his older brother. Instead of saying “hi” to his brother, he waves and says “hey”. This is:
What is Response Generalization.
Your favorite pair of shoes are in the closet and you want to wear them now. The closet is locked so you search for the key until you find it. This is an example of:
What is CMO-T
Cooking a full course meal
What is CHAINED -
completion of a produces a b schedule and completion of b produces reinforcement....
Antecedents and consequences.
What are stimuli?
This signals to the organism that reinforcement is available in the environment.
What is SD
In a social skills group, a student learns to greet adults by waving and saying “hi”. Later, when the student’s mother comes to pick him up, he runs to her and says “hi”. This is
You notice the battery color change on your phone from green to yellow.
What is CMO-R?
You tell a student they have to read for 15 minutes AND complete 5 math problems.
What is conjunctive- BOTH an interval AND ratio schedule must be met
Falling off the dock and swimming to shore.
What is a response
This signals to the organism that there is no reinforcement available in the environment.
What is S-Delta
´When a learner continues to perform a target behavior after the interventions have been removed, we refer to this as:
What is response maintenance
Emma, loves going to the park. Every time Emma hears the sound of her parent’s car starting, it means they are going to the park. When she hears the car starting she gets her shoes, jacket, and sidewalk chalk.
What is CMO-S?
Replacing the flooring in your living room
What is Multiple
2 or more schedules occurring in alternating (often random) sequences. SD PRESENT
Falling of the boat and swimming to shore using a front crawl, breast stroke, or side stroke.
What is a response class?
This is the first relationship in stimulus equivalence. It is an exact match.
What is reflexivity
´Joe uses 4 different alarm clocks, each make a different sound; he wakes up on time using each as soon as each is introduced. What type of generalization is described?
What is stimulus generalization
A student is completing an assignment and cannot remember the definition of CMO-T. They search for their text book so they can be done with their assignment.
What is CMO-T?
For 5 minutes, you reinforce the child on a FR2. For the next 5 minutes, you switch to a VI3 schedule.
What is Mixed
2 or more schedules occurring in alternating (often random) sequences. NO SD
Physically guiding a learner to the correct response
What is a response prompt?
When a learner has be taught the picture of the cat is "cat" and when told "find cat" the learner can find the correct picture.
What is symmetry?
Each of Joe's alarm clocks require a different action to turn it off. Joe completes each action, fluently. This is an example of -
What is response generalization
You are watching Family Feud. Your Mom makes you the best chocolate chip cookies you have ever tasted, and you eat them until they are gone and Family Feud is over. Now when Family Feud comes on you want a snack.
What is CMO-S
The students either has to read for 5 minutes or answer 10 math questions.
What is Alternative-
EITHER an interval Or ratio schedule must be met
In order to ensure success, the correct picture is placed closer to the learner than the incorrect pictures.
What is a stimulus prompt?
When reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity are present, you have this.
What is stimulus equivalence