General DBT
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotional Regulation
Mindfulness/Distress Tolerance

What is a dialectic and give an example. 

A dialectic is balancing two seemingly opposite things (two opposite things can be true at the same time). 

Being strong AND gentle. This is hard AND possible. Trust AND suspicion. Openness AND privacy.


What is the best skill to use to get someone to do what you want?



Taking a shower is a ___-term way to accumulate positive emotions.


The practice of recognizing the reality of a situation and acknowledging what cannot be changed

Radical Acceptance


Bob is bummed that he did not get the job he really wanted. He is choosing to use radical acceptance as a way to deal with these feelings. 

What skill could Bob have used before the interview?

Cope ahead! 


What is the purpose of DBT?

The create a life worth living


This interpersonal skill is best used for maintaining your self-respect 

The FAST skill


In your DBT booklet, there are six factors listed that make it hard to regulate emotions. Name two

Biology, lack of skill, reinforcement of emotional behavior, moodiness, emotional overload, emotion myths


There are two different purposes for distress tolerance skills. What are they?

Think STOP, TIPP, IMPROVE v radical acceptance, half smile, turning the mind

1. Surviving a crisis

2. Accepting reality


I am making an effort to tell my friend that their feelings make sense given the things they have experienced in life. 

What DBT interpersonal effectiveness skill am I using?



What is the goal of DBT?

Learn how to change your own behaviors, emotions, and thoughts that are linked to problems in living and are causing misery and distress. 


What does DEARMAN stand for?

Describe what happened

Express how you feel

Ask for what you want

Reward the person for listening

(be) Mindful of your goal

Appropriate and confident behavior

Negotiate or compromise 


Give an example of a time when cope ahead would be useful?

This skill can be used effectively before engaging in an emotional situation. It can help an individual prepare for intense emotions so that they do not overwhelm the individual. 

What three minds comprise traditional DBT? Which one is used for logical thinking?

Emotional, Wise, Rational

Rational or reasonable. 


Rocky is extremely agitated and angry about his job. He feels as if any comment could make him explode. He needs to lower his SUDS now. 

What distress tolerance skill would you suggest?

TIPP-- this is used to reduce extreme emotions fast. 

Tip the temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, paired muscle relaxation


What are the four modules that DBT focuses on?

Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance

What are the three main goals of using interpersonal effectiveness?

1. Be skillful in getting what you want and need from others.

2. Build relationships and end destructive ones.

3. Walk the middle path


When problem solving, what is the other emotional regulation skill that you should use? Hint: it's the second step.

Check the facts!!!!!!!!!!!

The steps are figure out and describe, check the facts, identify your goal, brainstorm solutions, choose a solution, put solution into action, evaluate the results. 


What is the goal of mindfulness? There are three things. One is to increase control of your mind. What are the other two?

1. Reduce suffering and increase happiness

2. Experience reality as it is


Mackenzie is struggling to make an important decision about her future. She wants help managing her feelings and making a decision.

What skill would be best to suggest to Mackenzie? Hint: There is more than one skill that would be effective. 

Pros and cons list, wise mind, cope ahead


What are the four stages in the DBT house? 

Stage 1: Severe behavioral dyscontrol

Stage 2: getting in touch with emotions 

Stage 3: Problems in living

Stage 4: Incompleteness


In the DBT booklet, there are six factors listed that can get in the way of interpersonal effectiveness. Name three. 

You don't know what you want, your emotions are getting in the way, you forget your long-term goals for short-term goals, other people are getting in your way, your thoughts and beliefs are getting in the way, you don't have the interpersonal skills you need. 



When should you use opposite action vs problem solving?

Opposite action should be used when your emotions do not fit the facts or when acting on your emotions is not effective. Acting opposite will change your emotional reactions.

Problem solving is used when the facts themselves are the problem (emotions fit the facts) and solving the problem will reduce the frequency of negative emotions. 


There are three WHAT skills and three HOW skills in the mindfulness module. Name the missing skills in each. 

WHAT skills: Observe, ____, ____

HOW skills: One-mindfully (in the moment), ____, ____

WHAT: Observe, describe, and participate

HOW: One-mindfully, nonjudgemental, and effectively


Karly is struggling with impulsive behavior and the urge to engage in harmful actions. What DBT skill can she employ to pause and make a more mindful and intentional choice?

STOP skill!

Stop and do not just react

Take a step back from the situation

Observe what is going on outside and inside 

Proceed mindfully and act with awareness