Textual Evidence/Inference 1
Textual Evidence/Inference 2
Textual Evidence/Inference 3
Bonus: ELA Diagnostic/Black History

The literary device "R.A.C.E" stands for?

A. Restate, Academic, Cite, Elope

B. Revisit, Act, Cite, Encourage

C. Restate, Answer, Cite, Elaboration/Explain

D. Revisit, Answer, Cite, Elaboration/Explain

What is....

C. Restate, Answer, Cite, Elaboration/Explain


What is the definition of "inference?"

What is: An educated guess or assumption based off of known facts expressed in a passage or argument.


Develop an inference for the following scenario...

It was her 16th birthday and she was so excited! She ran out the front door and saw the huge ribbon tied around her present. It was so awesome! It even had a sunroof just like she wanted. 

What can you infer that the girl got for her birthday? How do you know?

What is: 

A. car


Before I can include my textual evidence, what do I need to add?


A. A citation.

B. My opinion.

C. A concluding statement.(This concludes...)

D. A transition or lead.(This means... This suggests...)

What is...

A transition or lead.(This means... This suggests...)


Which part of speech is the following word that is placed inside the parenthesis?

(Love) is a beautiful thing!!!

A. Noun

B. Pronoun

C. Adverb

D. Preposition

What is:

A. Noun


A direct quote must possess....

A. period

B. question mark

C. quotation mark

D. exclamation point

What is: 

C. quotation mark


What is a good transition/lead before your evidence? 

A. In the text it states

B. I feel

C. "Start my quote"

D. They said

What is...

A. In the text it states


Define the term "evidence."

What is: Any details that will strengthen, add variety, or weight to any argument.


 "Information that is obvious in a text, in which the reader does not have to guess about?"

What is: 



This black hair entrepreneur invented the hot comb.

A. Oprah Winfrey

B. BuckWheat

C. Michelle Obama

D. Madame CJ Walker

What is:

D. Madame CJ Walker


Which part of the literary device R.A.C.E. requires an explanation?

A. Restating the question

B. Answer the question

C. Citing Textual Evidence

D. Elaboration

What is:



An inference is usually indirectly stated in the text. 

True or False

What is:



Define the term "inference."

What is: An assumption, educated guess, or conclusion of based off of given facts about a text, or argument.


Fill in the blank...

If you are reading a story, poem, or a news article it is called a_________.

What is: 



An African American male named Wallace Jr. made millions selling cookies and founded this popular cookie brand.

A. Lay's Potato Chips

B. Oreos

C. Famous Amos

D. Graham Crackers

C. Famous Amos


Which section of the literary device R.A.C.E. requires a direct quote from the text?

A. Restating the question

B. Answer the Question

C. Citing Textual Evidence

D. Elaboration

What is:

C. Citing Textual Evidence


Fill in the blank...

Making inferences helps you to ______ ideas about the situations in the text even though the author does not directly state them. 

A. Understand

B. Confuse

C. Plagiarize

What is: 

A. Understand


Why do we need textual evidence?

A. To prove a claim

B. To spell words correctly

C. because your teacher says so

D. to express an opinion

What is....

A. To prove a claim


 Develop an inference based off the information in the following scenario. (3 Minutes to answer the question!)

As the boys sat outside the principal's office, with torn shirts and bruised faces, they knew they were in trouble. The security guard sat between the boys to keep them apart. What they did was strictly against the rules. When their parents find out, they'll be in even  more trouble. 

Why were the boys sent to the office? How do you know? Be sure to cite textual evidence for your claim/answer.

The boys were fighting.

Clues: torn shirts and bruised faces; security guard had to keep them apart; they broke the rules.


The first group of students integrated a high school located in Little Rock Arkansas in 1957. (Hint: It's in the name!)

A. The Little Rock Three

B. The Little Rock Six

C. The Little Rock Nine

What is.....

C. The Little Rock Nine


Referencing the literary device "R.A.C.E.", which step do most scholars forget selecting the direct quote from the text?

A. Restating the question into a statement

B. Answer the question

C. Citing Textual Evidence

D. Elaboration

What is....

D. Elaboration


Develop an inference for the following scenario. 

John overslept. When he woke up and saw the clock, he jumped out of bed and scrambled around the house trying to clean himself and get dressed quickly. He grabbed his suitcase, got in the car, and sped to the airport! Five minutes after getting to there, John was disappointed.(2 minutes to answer the question)

Why was he disappointed? How do you know?

What is.....

John missed his flight.

Clues: Overslept; Grabbed his suitcase; Sped to the Airport; Disappointed


Develop an inference for the following scenario.

I should have studied harder. My palms are sweating; my heart is racing; and my pencil broke! I raised my hand, hoping not to disrupt the other students. I looked back and forth from the clock to my paper. Time seemed to be racing by. I had to do my best! 

What am I doing? How do you know?

What is...

Taking a test or quiz.

Clues: Should have studied harder; Sweaty palms; Heart racing; Pencil broke; Disturb other students; Time raced by: Had to do my best


 Michael woke up with a start. Someone was banging at the front door. Heavy footsteps clomped over the bare boards of the hallway. A shouting of voices. Jacko's familiar growl, then the front door slammed shut. Michael shivered and pulled the thin blanket closer around his shoulders. Through the cracked glass of the curtainless window, the sky looked gray and dirty. A groan from the other mattress told him that Toby was awake as well.
Which of the following would be considered explicit textual evidence? 

A. Michael was trying to sleep

B. Toby is Michael's brother

C. Michael and Toby were cold

D. "the sky looked gray and dirty"

What is: 

D. "the sky looked gray and dirty"


This R&B legend was killed by his father over a dispute about money. He is responsible for the following platinum R&B records: "What's Going On?", "Mercy Mercy", "I Want You," and "Trouble Man."

A. Johnny Taylor

B. Marvin Gaye

C. David Ruffin

D. Jay Z

E. Mariah Carey

What is:

B. Marvin Gaye