Gerunds & Infinitives
Unreal Time & Subjunctive
Wild Card

Select the most suitable option:

Have you considered to run / running for student government this year?

Have you considered running for student government this year?


Select the correct option:

I hope / wish I'll get a 20 on my semester test!

I hope I'll get a 20 on my semester test!


Complete this sentence with a suitable preposition.

Please excuse the shop's appearance; several shelves are ____ repair.

Please excuse the shop's appearance; several shelves are under repair.


Invert the following sentence:

If he had called earlier, the tickets would have been available.

Had he called earlier, the tickets would have been available.


What does the idiom in the song mean? 

Hit the road Jack and don't you come back
No more, no more, no more, no more
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more

Meaning: leave a place or begin a journey

In this context: leave me alone, go away


Select the most suitable option:

You didn't remember to take / taking out the trash! Now we have to wait for another week for it to be collected.

You didn't remember to take out the trash! Now we have to wait for another week for it to be collected.

(to take = obligation, taking = past event)


Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

It's no use _______ (try) to go out now. It's far too late.

It's no use trying to go out now. It's far too late.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the one provided, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

Many sardines were packed into the can.
The can ___________ sardines.

The can was packed with sardines.


Select the correct option:

Hardly had the movie started when / than the fire alarm sounded and we had to evacuate the theatre.

Hardly had the movie started when the fire alarm sounded and we had to evacuate the theatre.


Finish the saying: 

If you know your worth no one can make you feel … 

Finish the saying: 

If you know your worth no one can make you feel worthless


Select the most suitable option:

You must regret _________________ (tell) your sister about her husband now. She has never been the same since.

You must regret having told your sister about her husband now. She has never been the same since.


Correct the error(s) in this sentence:

I'd rather you do not bother me while I'm studying.

I'd rather you didn't/did not bother me while I'm studying.


Select the most suitable option:

The toddler tipped over his cup on / by accident.

The toddler tipped over his cup by accident.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

Employees should never let customers access the equipment room.
_____________ should employees let customers access the equipment room.

Under no circumstances should employees let customers access the equipment room.


Complete this sentence with a suitable preposition and noun to make the meaning that someone doesn’t feel good.

I’m sorry I can’t come to work today because I’m feeling a bit … the … 

Complete this sentence with a suitable preposition and noun to make the meaning that someone doesn’t feel good.

I’m sorry I can’t come to work today because I’m feeling a bit under the weather. 


He witnessed his family _____, his home city_____ to the ground.

A) had died / was burned

B) died / burned

C) die / burn

D) die / be burned

E) dying / burned


He witnessed his family die, his home city be burned to the ground.


Complete this sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets.

Suppose someone (steal) ____ your car because you left your keys in the ignition again. How would you get to work?

Suppose someone stole your car because you left your keys in the ignition again. How would you get to work?


Select the most suitable option:

This flat has been at / in / on the market for almost a year!

This flat has been on the market for almost a year!


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

Oppenheimer was nominated both for Best Directing and for Best Picture.
Not only was Oppenheimer _____________.

Not only was Oppenheimer nominated for Best Directing, but (it was) also (nominated for) Best Picture.


Finish the idiom which means that other people always seem to be in a better situation than you, although they may not be: 

 The grass is always greener … 

The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. 


Two tobacco experts have today accused transnational tobacco companies of ____ the concept of corporate social responsibility by ______ to use it as a means of directing attention away from the deadly effects of their products.

A) corrupting / being sought

B) corrupted / seek

C) having been corrupted / seeking

D) being corrupted / having sought

E) having corrupted / seeking


Two tobacco experts have today accused transnational tobacco companies of having corrupted the concept of corporate social responsibility by seeking to use it as a means of directing attention away from the deadly effects of their products.


Add the appropriate fixed subjunctive expression to this sentence:

___________, I will always stand by your side.

Come what may, I will always stand by your side.


Fill in a preposition: 

The police are looking … the woman’s disappearance. 

The police are looking into the woman’s disappearance.

1) to examine the facts about a problem or situation

2) to try to find out about something


DOUBLE JEOPARDY -- this question is now worth 1000 points.

Invert the following sentence:

The DeLorean drove so fast that it could travel through time.

Such was the speed of the DeLorean that it could travel through time.

So fast was the DeLorean that it could travel through time.


What does “Shoot the breeze” mean?

They often shoot the breeze together.

Let's shoot the breeze over coffee.

Shoot the breeze

Meaning: Chat

They often shoot the breeze together.

Let's shoot the breeze over coffee.