Patient Safety
Planning Patient Care
Give 4 examples of PPE
gown gloves foot covers masks Goggles
What is a sentinel event?
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof
Who enters the RANKIN scales on your patients? How often?
The PTs/OTs Each Treatment
Why can't you prop open a door?
Doors are part of the confinement portion of the fire plan at YNHH>
What is the mission of YNHH?
4 areas Patient Care Teaching Research Community Service
How do you ensure that you are treating the correct patient? What do you use?
Patient Identifiers Check wrist bracelets
You are planning to work on stair climbing with your patient. What type of precautions would you take before this activity?
Notify nursing Have 2 people ( you and another staff member) Use gait belt if needed
How does one handle a patient complaint?
Patient can start the complaint process with any staff member simply be identifying the complaint Staff Member should try to resolve at their level or contact Manager for assistance Patient can call Patient Relations
Where do you find the Sentinel Event policy located?
In the Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual
What would you do if your patient's medical record stated that patient had MRSA but there was no signage on the patient's room?
Check with the covering nurse to verify and perhaps this label was not properly placed to alert staff/visitors If there is a question, always be safe and use the proper PPE.
Explain three ways that you would ensure confidentiality of patient's medical record.
Protect password Do not share with anyone Do not leave any patient lists in public areas Do not discuss patient or case in public areas.
When you perform a patient evaluation and/or treatment, what do you enter into EPIC regarding the timing of this event?
This is the END TIME of your eval/treatment session.
Where does one find specific Rehab Policies and Procedures?
Under Policies Administrative YNHH Department of Rehab Services Table of contents
Please explain the dry types of the two types of wipes we are using Purple tops Orange tops
Purple tops 2 min Orange tops 4 min
What is the proper method of hand hygiene? Steps you would use prior to entering a patients room for an eval or treatment and then the steps you would use after your treatment was completed and you are leaving the room.
use purell on hands appropriately then don gloves After treatment remove gloves and use purell
How has YNHH helped to prepare you for a JCAHO survey?
Staff meetings Morning huddles Healthstream 1:1 Education classes
What would you do if there was an unexpected event during your treatment with a patient? ( ie: fall, laceration, severe pain during an exercise maneuver )
Immediately discuss with nurse, clinical team and ensure safety of the patient. Once this has been completed then; Complete RL solution Discuss with Manager asap to ensure compliance with all of the correct steps and to review/enter the RL report.
What immunizations are available to YNHH employees?
Hep B Flu MMR and varicella
How often is the defibrillator in the Rehab gym checked to ensure it works and who does this?
It is done daily Rehab Associate
Please describe at least 5 Patient Rights
Privacy Know who is giving care Respect Pain Management Confidentiality Right to refuse Emotional support Informed decision, Full explanation of care
How are YNHH patients informed of their rights?
They receive a booklet with the explanations of Patient Rights upon admission Patient Rights are posted on each of the clinical units
How do you ensure that important patient care plan information is dispersed to the clinical team? How about patient education ie: exercises, home safety
Excellent documentation in your notes and care plan EPIC One on one discussions with the patient's nurse and the medical team Individualized exercise programs ( written ) reviewed with patients/caregivers and documentation of return demonstration
What quality initiatives are measured in the Rehab Dept?
Volume Consult response Missed Treatments Frequencies Discharge Disposition on Rehab consults AMPAC scores
If a JCAHO surveyor asks you a question that you are not prepared to answer, how would you respond?
No harm in stating you do not know the answer. "I will find out the appropriate answer. I will ask my supervisor."